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Worth to be Protected? Hungary's Orphaned and Abandoned Children from the late 19th century to the post-WWI period

Referentin: PD Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovács
25.07.2022 - 15:00 Uhr
Centre for Population Studies der Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca

Beschreibung der Veranstaltung

Im Rahmen des internationalen Workshops "Orphans and Orphanhood between the 18th and 20th centuries: Expanding and Re-interrogating the History of Welfare” der vom 25.-26. Juli 2022 am Centre for Population Studies der Babeș-Boyai University Cluj-Napoca stattfindet, hält Friederike Kind-Kovács einen Keynote-Vortrag. Der Vortrag zum Thema "Worth to be Protected? Hungary's Orphaned and Abandoned Children from the late 19th century to the post-WWI period” findet am 25.07.2022 um 15.10 statt.

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The Royal Hungarian Child Asylum, Budapest

Aladár Pettko-Szandtner, Child Protection by the Royal Hungarian State. Budapest 1926, Annex