Buchcover Transformations of Care Work for Older People


Transformations of Care Work for Older People

Maren Hachmeister

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen, 2024

ISBN 978-3-525-30333-7

In Changing Times, Persisting Legacies: The Uneven Development of East-Central Europe since 1989

This chapter examines the transformation of care work for older people in Poland, the Czech Republic, and East Germany, focusing on the transition from late socialism to the post-socialist era after 1989. It highlights examples of care provision during the socialist period, including senior clubs organized by the Polish Committee for Social Help, signaling services offered by the Czech Red Cross, and home help and veterans’ clubs run by East Germany’s People’s Solidarity, which served as important predecessors for post-socialist transformations. The main hypothesis of this chapter is that, despite systemic changes, voluntary caregivers remained central to care provision across all three societies. While Poland and Czechia moved toward re-familialization, East Germany’s trajectory was shaped by reunification with West Germany. By reflecting on these developments, the chapter underscores the enduring importance of caregiving structures and advocates for considering the late socialist period to fully understand the transformations in care work post-1989. 

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