Completed research projects
Es werden die Projekte mit Titel und Namen der Koordination und Bearbeiter aufgelistet. Über einen Link können Detailinformationen aufgerufen werden
From Floppy Discs to FAIR Data
coordination: Dr. Anne Klammt
TransFAIR Data: Data and Content of the NS newspaper Freiheitskampf for Knowledge Transfer
coordination: Dr. Anne Klammt
Miteinander politisch sein
coordination: Prof. Dr. Thomas Lindenbergereditor: Dr. Maren Hachmeister
coordination: Prof. Dr. Mike Schmeitzner
Ukrainian Childhood facing War and Displacement : A Life Story Project
Exhibition politics. Documenta and the GDR
coordination: Dr. Alexia Pooth
Beschlussregister. Institutionalisation in the GDR
coordination: Dora Busch
Belonging. The History of Child Adoption in Germany (1945/9-2000)
coordination: PD Dr. Bettina Hitzereditor: PD Dr. Bettina Hitzer; Anne Rinke
Transformations of the Police. One Hundred Years of Landeskriminalamt (LKA) Sachsen 1922-2022
coordination: Prof. Dr. Mike Schmeitzner
Corona Project: From Virus to Viral Conspiracy Theories
coordination: Prof. Dr. Thomas Lindenberger
From #Corona Diktatur to 'Hygiene Demos': Conspiracy theories surrounding COVID-19 in digital and analog space
coordination: Prof. Dr. Uwe Backeseditor: Stefan BriegerJoint project
Digitization strategy and knowledge transfer
coordination: Dr. Claudia Böttchereditor: Dr. Jochen TiepmarJoint project
The radicalization of stereotypes and scapegoats in the wake of the Spanish Flu in 1918
coordination: Prof. Dr. Mike Schmeitznereditor: Matthäus WehowskiJoint project
Multiple Transformations. Societal Experience and Cultural Change in East Germany and Central Eastern Europe before and after 1989
coordination: PD Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovácseditor: Dr. Maren Hachmeister; PD Dr. Friederike
Voluntariness and Care in Transformation: Local Involvement in the Tri-Border Region
coordination: PD Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovácseditor: Dr. Maren HachmeisterJoint project
Development of co-operative structures at the Hannah Arendt Institute at the TU Dresden and the Research Institute on Social Cohesion at Leipzig University
coordination: PD Dr. Steffen Kailitzeditor: Uwe Backes, Philipp Currle, Tobias Genswein, Katja Pietrusky
State persecution of homosexuals in Saxony 1933-1968
coordination: Dr. Clemens Vollnhalseditor: Dr. Alexander Zinn
Setting out for democracy and nationhood in the border triangle of Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia after the Great War (1918-1923)
coordination: PD Dr. Steffen Kailitzeditor: Sebastian Paul, Matthäus Wehowski
History of late Saxon war-time society (1943-1945)
coordination: Dr. Francesca Weil
Stasi operation ‘Light’ in 1962
coordination: Dr. Thomas Widera
Volunteer work in local communities between state socialism and liberal capitalism. The history of the volunteer fire brigades in Germany and Eastern Central Europe 1980-2000
coordination: Prof. Dr. Thomas Lindenberger, Univ. Prof. Dr. Philipp Thereditor: Steffi Unger, Mojmír Stránský
Sachsenburg concentration camp 1933-1937
coordination: Prof. Dr. Mike Schmeitzner
East German film propaganda and West German censorship by the Inter-Ministerial Committee for East/West Cinematic Affairs
coordination: Dr. Andreas Kötzing
Images of omnipotence. Depictions of State Security in film and television.
coordination: Dr. Andreas Kötzing
Saxony from 1933 to 1945. A historical travel guide
coordination: Prof. Dr. Mike Schmeitzner, Dr. Francesca Weil
The 11th Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the SED in December 1965
coordination: Dr. Andreas Kötzing
Right-wing motivated hatred and violence in Saxony: trends, radicalisation and prevention
coordination: Prof. Dr. Uwe Backes
Types of autocracy
coordination: Prof. Dr. Uwe Backes
The moral order of National Socialism
coordination: PD Dr. Wolfgang Bialas
The Deutsche Volksliste (German People's List, DVL) in Nazi-occupied Poland in 1939/41-1945
coordination: Dr. Johannes Frackowiak
Biographies and case law of Wehrmacht judges
coordination: Dr. Claudia Bade
Why do democracies collapse?
coordination: PD Dr. Steffen Kailitz
The Prague embassy refugees of 1989
coordination: Dr. Karel Vodička
First in the district. Social profile, career and the reign of regional Saxon SED elites during the Ulbricht era
coordination: Dr. Tilman Pohlmann
National Socialist crimes and Stalinist justice
coordination: PD Dr. Mike Schmeitzner
National Socialist propaganda in Saxony 1921-1945
coordination: Stephan Dehn
The Saxon Grand Lodges after 1918
coordination: Franziska Böhl
Völkische Bewegung, Konservative Revolution, Nationalsozialismus
coordination: Dr. Clemens Vollnhals M.A.
Co-operation between the GDR Ministry for State Security (MfS) and the Polish Ministry of the Interior (MSW)
coordination: Dr. Tytus Jaskułowski
Variants of autocracy and its strategies of legitimation
coordination: PD Dr. Steffen Kailitz
Edition project: Anna Walentynowicz and Anna Baszanowska: Shadows in the Future
coordination: Dr. Tytus Jaskułowskieditor: Dr. Eva Wiese
The Peaceful Revolution in the GDR, 1989-1990. The transition compared with Eastern Central Europe
coordination: Dr. Clemens Vollnhals M.A.
Right-wing motivated multiple and habitual offenders in Saxony
coordination: Prof. Dr. Uwe Backes
Victims along the Saxon-Bavarian and Saxon-Czech borders between 1952 and 1989Victims along the Saxon-Bavarian and Saxon-Czech borders between 1952 and 1989
coordination: Jan Gülzau
Courageous women of the Confessing Church (Bekennende Kirche) in opposition to Nazi racial policy
coordination: Dr. Clemens Vollnhals M.A.
History of the Bautzen Strasse detention centre and the Dresden State Security District Administration Authority 1945-1990
coordination: Dr. Thomas Widera
Construction soldiers in Prora and their protest against SED military policy
coordination: Dr. Thomas Widera
Critique of utopian thinking – Karl Marx and Marxism
coordination: Prof. Dr. Lothar Fritze
Nach den Diktaturen: Der Umgang mit den Opfern in Europa
coordination: Dr. Clemens Vollnhals M.A.
Totalitarian thinking in Marxism and National Socialism
coordination: Prof. Dr. Lothar Fritze
Flight and integration. A survey of fugitives in Saxony
coordination: PD Dr. Steffen Kailitz
Democratic Cohesion in Saxony (DeZiS)
coordination: PD Dr. Steffen Kailitz
Youth and Hitler Youth in National Socialism
coordination: Dr. André Postert
There can be no mercy. An exchange of letters during World War II
coordination: Dr. Francesca Weil
Childhoods in the Second World War
coordination: Dr. Francesca Weil, Dr. André Postert
Protestantism and the nationalist movement
coordination: Dr. Clemens Vollnhals
Budapest's Children: Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War
coordination: PD Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovácseditor: PD Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovács