Doctoral Forum
The Doctoral Forum is a conference organised by the doctoral programme and extending over several days, during which time external junior academics have the opportunity to present their own research projects within a larger framework.
The annual conference is an open, interdisciplinary platform for academic exchanges and is expressly intended for doctoral students in all fields of the humanities and social sciences as well as related disciplines in reference to democracy and dictatorship research. The discussions do not aim at underscoring any supposed conflicts between the two areas of research. Rather, analysis should focus on the multi-directional patterns and fluid transitions underlying the cultural, social and political transformation processes and be conducted by the respective disciplines on different levels and from diverse perspectives. Each conference moreover has a particular thematic or conceptual focus.
The Doctoral Forum analyses and discusses theoretical, methodological and practical problems of the individual dissertation projects. In addition, the event offers the opportunity of establishing and refreshing contacts, networking expertise and initiating collaborations.
Demokratie- und Diktaturforschung im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Alte Pfade oder neue Wege? Theorien, Methoden und Perspektiven
See the conference report on HAIT's blog Denken ohne Geländer.