Protestantism and the nationalist movement
Dictatorship Research / Research field
Historical Conditions / Research focus
(Project completed)
Dr. Clemens Vollnhals / Coordination
Using the example of the renowned Tübingen theologian and ‘Jew researcher’ Gerhard Kittel (1888-1948), a workshop jointly organised by Clemens Vollnhals and Prof.Dr. Manfred Gailus (TU Berlin) and held in November 2017 investigated the manifestations of widespread Christian anti-Judaism and its links with modern nationalist anti-Semitism in the 20th century. The contributions to the workshop will be published in expanded form in the Institute’s ‘Reports and Studies’ series in the summer of 2019. It is the third joint venture in the field of contemporary church history, thematically tying in with the Institute’s publications MitHerz und Verstand – Protestantische Frauen imWiderstandgegen die NS-Rassenpolitik [Hearts and Minds – Protestant Women in Resistance against Nazi Racial Policy] (2013) and Für ein artgemäßes Christentum der Tat.VölkischeTheologenimDritten Reich’ [For a Racially Oriented Christianity of the Deed.Nationalist Theologians in the ‘Third Reich’] (2016).
Together with Prof. Dr. Manfred Gailus (TU Berlin), Clemens Vollnhals will be publishing the collection of essays based on a workshop held in November last year: Traditionen des christlichenAntijudaismus und der moderneAntisemitismusim 20. Jahrhundert:Das Beispiel des TübingerTheologen und ‚Judenforschers‘ Gerhard Kittel.[Traditions of Christian Anti-Judaism and Modern Anti-Semitism in the 20th Century: The Example of the Tübingen Theologian and ‘Jew Researcher’ Gerhard Kittel], appearing in the series Berichte und Studien [Reports and Studies] in spring 2019.