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HAIT Colloquium - Dr. Cleovi Mosuela

Speaker: Dr. Cleovi Mosuela
13/07/2023 - 11:00
TIL 310 / online via Zoom

Description of the event

In the lecture, I ask how frontline communities conceptually link climate justice and their community issues in their struggles to sustain everyday life. The aim is to understand the relationship between their claims and security discourses. Drawing on feminist ways of multiplicity thinking and progressive security discourse, my study locates agency with non-traditional agents, which means means highlighting the role of grassroots organizations and individuals in addressing the manifestations of climate change. These agents are People of Color, many of whom come from the lands most impacted by climate change. The insecurity associated with climate change necessitates a constant reflection on whether and how their current practices fit the challenge. Bringing in some data from field research in the United States, I discuss how non-traditional agents engage with the climate justice movement, for instance, the ‘just transition’ framework, and make it work for them.

Dr. Cleovi Mosuela is currently working as a research associate at the University of Hamburg within the Cluster of Excellence: ‘Climate, Climatic Change and Society (CLICCS), B3: Conflict and Cooperation at the Climate Security Nexus.’ Her current project examines the intersections between climate change and social justice from the perspective of frontline communities. It is not only an object of study for her but also an approach to reflect on her subjectivity – having experienced extreme events both as a lived experience and at a distance – by drawing on the tradition of women of color and postcolonial scholars.

Moderation: Maren Hachmeister

The colloquium will take place in room TIL 310 ("Alte Kapelle", Tillich-Bau) and online via Zoom. Please register until 10.07.2023 with your full name via: hait@tu-dresden.de
You will receive the conference link shortly before the event.

This project is co-financed by tax funds using the budget approved by the Landtag of the Free State of Saxony.

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Jon Tyson via Unsplash