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"Some Reflections on Childhood, Displacement and Trauma in the 20th Century"

Referentin: PD Dr. habil. Friederike Kind-Kovács
05/11/2022 - 09:30
University of Austin, Texas

Description of the event

PD Dr. habil. Friederike Kind-Kovács hält im Rahmen des Workshops "Children and Crisis. Trauma, Epidemics, and Children’s Well-Being in Cross-Cultural and Historical Perspective" der University of Texas at Austin den Vortrag "Some Reflections on Childhood, Displacement and Trauma in the 20th Century".


The presentation focuses on children’s experiences in one of the 20th century’s condensed periods of fundamental and abrupt political and social change: the post-WWI period in Central Europe which came to witness multiple crises at the same time. Like today’s children in Europe whose lives have been deeply affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, the implications of the Russian War against Ukraine, and more recently also by the energy crisis, I think it is valuable to have a look at the past and draw some parallels between children’s experiences today and their experiences in the post-WWI period. I will engage with the long-term implications of children’s unaccompanied migration for their physical and mental well-being and their identities and discuss if we can consider children’s displacement as a form of non-physical violence which resulted – among some children – in trauma.

“Children with Angina at Lake Balaton”, Az Erdekes Ujság IX, no. 27 (1921) p.4.