Internationaler Workshop
Populism – a threat to democracy?
19.04.2023 - 13:00 Uhr
HAIT an der TU Dresden, Tillich-Bau, Seminarraum 110
Kooperationsveranstalter: TU Dresden
Beschreibung der Veranstaltung
The Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies is pleased to invite you to a workshop on the question: Is populism a threat to democracy? It will take place on April 19th, 2023, from 13:00 to 17:00 pm at our institute in room 110.
Populism can take different forms. However, a defining feature is that populist movements claim to represent the common people against the elite establishment. It can challenge democratic institutions and norms, such as pluralism, tolerance, human rights and the rule of law. In our workshop, we will discuss how populist movements affect democracy in different historical and regional contexts and if populism is necessarily a threat to democracy.
Populism - A threat to democracy?
Program of the workshop
13:00 – 13:10Welcoming words
Steffen Kailitz (HAIT)
Marianne Kneuer (TU Dresden)
Introduction to the topic
Steffen Kailitz (HAIT)
13:10 –
Panel 1
Chair: Steffen Kailitz (HAIT)
Discussant: Manès Weisskircher (TU Dresden)
13:10 –
Populism and Extremism - Problems of Conceptualisation
Uwe Backes (HAIT)
How early insights about populism have stood the test of time
Reinhard Heinisch (University of Salzburg)
Populist Authoritarianism or Authoritarian Populism?
On the Difficulties of Demarcation Using the Example of
Marianne Kneuer (TU Dresden)
15.10-15.40 Break
Panel 2
Chair: Steffen Kailitz (HAIT)
Discussant: Maik Herold (MIDEM, TU Dresden)
15:40 –
Populism in Latin America
Wolfgang Muno (University of Rostock)
16:20 –
Is there a (universal) right-wing populist voter?
Daniel Stockemer (University of Ottawa)
17.00 –
„Vox musica, vox populi“?
„Frei.Wild“ and the COVID-19
Maximilian Kreter (HAIT)
Organized by the Hannah-Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies (HAIT) in collaboration with the Chair of Comparative Politics, Institute of Political Science, TU Dresden
For non-presenters it is necessary to register for the workshop in advance. Due to the size of the room, only a maximum of 15 people can participate in the event on site. Seats at the discussion table for non-presenters will be allocated according to how registrations are received. All other interested parties can follow the event online and ask questions here. Please register under the following mail address by April 15th, 2023:

Isac Nóbrega/PR