HAIT Colloquium - Dr. Stefan Meister (DGAP, Berlin)
Referent: Dr. Stefan Meister (DGAP, Berlin)
20/10/2022 - 11:00
HAIT/via Zoom
Description of the event
Russia's war of aggression not only has a severe impact on Ukraine, but is changing Russia itself. The transition from an autocratic to a totalitarian regime influences the relationship between Russia's state and society beyond this war. Linked to this is a radicalisation of Putin's policies both internally and externally. While the annexation of Crimea in 2014 served to restore Putin's interior legitimacy after his re-election of 2012, the 2022 war is to re-define Russia's role in Europe and the world. Putin is willing to pay high economic, political and societal costs for this, whereas legitimacy appears less and less important. Russia under Putin is increasingly turning into a Führer state, in which the regime disregards international law and creates its own reality, and thus also its own justification for its actions. If the international community is not able to sanction this behaviour, there will be profound consequences for European security and the global order.
Stefan Meister is Program Head for International Order and Democracy at the German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin.
To register, please write to with your full name until 17.10.2022.
The registration link will be sent to you separately a few days before the event.
This project is co-financed by tax funds using the budget approved by the Landtag of the Free State of Saxony.

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