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On Transformation in Life’s Journeys. A Scientific Look at Biographical Comic Drawings

Referentin: Dr. Maren Hachmeister
07/10/2022 - 17:00
Ausländerrat Dresden e.V., Heinrich-Zille-Straße 6, 01219 Dresden

Description of the event

Dr. Maren Hachmeister will, together with Nazanin Zandi, join the workshop “On transformation in life’s journeys. A scientific look at biographical comic drawings" as part of the exhibition STIMMEN DES UMBRUCHS. Biografische Geschichten von Dresdner Frauen aus aller Welt (“Voices of Upheaval. Biographical stories of Dresden women from all over the world”).

The workshop will be given in German.

Promotional image containing the main information for the workshop

Stimmen des Umbruchs