Varieties of Political Regimes from 1900 to the Present
Referent: PD Dr. habil. Steffen Kailitz
20.09.2022 - 12:00 Uhr
University of Ottawa, FSS 4004
Beschreibung der Veranstaltung
Steffen Kailitz hält an der University of Ottawa den Vortrag "Varieties of Political Regimes from 1900 to the Present".
A political regime is a set of rules that identifies: who has access to power; who is allowed to select the government; and under what conditions and limitations authority is exercised. Many research questions in comparative politics address whether a particular political regime type makes a difference. Is, for instance, a one-party regime more durable than a military one? Is democracy better for economic growth than all forms of autocracy? If we want to answer such questions, a classification of political regimes is preferable to a measure that ranks the degree of democracy. The revised dataset will include information on all political regimes from 1900 to the present. The presentation explains how the political regimes are distinguished and how the classification differs from other regime data sets. The focus in building the dataset is to identify clear start and ends of political regimes based on a broad review of qualitative research literature. Such start and end mark, for example, coups for military autocracies or free and fair elections for democracies. The rise of so-called populist movements and parties around the globe has recently become a central topic.

University of Ottawa