Kolloquium Prof. Andrew Lakoff (University of Southern California)
Referent: Prof. Andrew Lakoff (University of Southern California)
03.02.2022 - 17:00 Uhr
online via Zoom
Beschreibung der Veranstaltung
This talk with Prof. Andrew Lakoff from the University of Southern California (USC) will examine the fraught relation between politics and expert knowledge during the United States’ pandemic response. It focuses on the highly contested regulatory authorization process for a Covid vaccine during the run-up to the 2020 election. While public trust in the safety and efficacy of health interventions such as vaccines is typically seen to depend on the autonomy of regulatory agencies and technical experts, here the converse was the case: experts and officials used the construct of public trust as a means to preserve their autonomy. However, as ensuing controversies over vaccination policy have demonstrated, this effort did not manage to de-politicize regulatory knowledge.
15:00 Uhr
Online via ZOOM
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