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More than a footnote in history? Asta Nielsson and her child relief work in Budapest (1920-1949)

Referentin: PD Dr. habil. Friederike Kind-Kovács
20.11.2023 - 18:00 Uhr
Universität Kassel

Beschreibung der Veranstaltung

The proposed talk explores the work of Asta Nielsson, a Swedish relief worker, in Budapest. The talk investigates her relief and rescue actions from the aftermath of the First World War through the period of the Hungarian holocaust to the post-WWII period. By centering on one single relief worker, the talk sheds light on the transnational humanitarian activities of Rädda Barnen, the Swedish chapter of Save the Children, as well as the Swedish Red Cross legation to Budapest. Swedish relief in the post-WWI period was invested in better feeding, clothing and caring for Hungary’s destitute children, whereas the Holocaust triggered a Swedish child rescue action for Jewish children, which then developed in the post-WWII period into another relief action that attempted to relief the physical suffering of the affected children. The planned talk will both engage with the perspective of the Swedish relief organizations as well as the receiving end to give room to also uncover and reflect on the experiences of Budapest’s children that were the main trigger of this transnational relief endeavor.
Foto einer Gruppe Kinder und mehrerer Frauen in einem Hof

The Swedish Child Relief Action in Budapest, Képes Krónika 2, No.24 (15.Juni 1920)