"Children's Transnational Displacement after the Great War".
06/02/2020 to 07/02/2020
Theological University Kampen, Broederweg 15, 8261 GS Kampen/Niederlande
Description of the event
Am 06.02.2020 hält PD. Dr. Friederike Kind-Kovács auf der internationalen Konferenz “The Children’s Trains and Beyond: Cultural, Religious and Political Contacts Between Hungary and the Low Countries in the Interwar Period,” in Kampen (Holland) einen Vortrag zum Thema "Children's Transnational Displacement after the Great War”.
This paper tackles the issue of children's transnational displacement after the Great War and the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Exemplifying the experiences of children in/from Budapest in the immediate postwar years, the talk will engage with various types of displacement, ranging from forced displacement to temporary evacuations and permanent adoptions in foreign countries. Engaging with contemporary written, visual and oral sources, the paper sheds light on the diverse challenges children faced when displaced and the resilience they developed to the severe biographical disruptions. It will explore children's everyday lives in poverty dwellings, dysfunctional railway cars, holiday homes, and foreign foster families. Investigating diverse experiences of displacement allows for conclusions about the impact of migration on children's impoverishment, social deprivation, and profound alienation. Yet, the proposed paper also demonstrates how children's migration also facilitated the generation of transnational social ties and enabled postwar rapprochement and pacification.

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