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Journal volume 13, 2016, issue 2

Kommunistische Nachrichtendienste im westlichen Europa / Communist Secret Services in Western Europe



Christopher Nehring:
Informationskrieg im Kalten Krieg: „Aktive Maßnahmen“ der sozialistischenAufklärungen gegen den Westen (S. 157–172)

The manipulative use of information by secret services was a spread phenomenon during the Cold War. By the 1950’s the Soviet secret police had developed a department for this field of work: Service “A” of the First Chief Department of the KGB, in charge of “active measures”. During the following decades the KGB encouraged his “fraternal organs” to carry out similar operations. Nonetheless, up until today little is known about this aspect of Socialist intelligence work.

Helmut Müller-Enbergs:
Tradierte Spionage:Agentenkinder und Agenteneltern (S. 173–188)

Did agents pass on their own spying activities to the children? Were agents supposed to have offspring for the purpose of intelligence work, to this way be supplied with well-trained intelligence sources? Can we identify factors with the children of agents suggesting that there were attempts to hire them? The here presented article pursues these questions by five steps and comes to the conclusion: children of agents who later became agents themselves are an exception. In most cases agent-parents did not want to expose their children to the thus connected risks. In case of those agents who passed on their spying activities to family members there were mostly certain factors working in favour of such behaviour.

Thomas Wegener Friis / Astrid Carlsen / Przemysław Gasztold-Seń / Helmut Müller-Enbergs:
Sozialistische Nachrichtendienste im Norden (S. 189–222)

The intelligence activities in the Nordic countries of Norway, Denmark and Sweden have for a number of years evaded the attention of scholars. The Nordic Area offers an interesting case since the countries, despite their relative small size, did play a role for the intelligence services of the socialist countries. The operative challenges for the foreign intelligence agencies of these ountries were immense; not only did they have to spend considerable resources building professional intelligence organizations at home, they also needed to acquire linguistic and cultural knowledge enabling them to establish networks in Scandinavia.

Benno Kirsch:
Walter Linse und der Nationalsozialismus (S. 223–256)

According to the depiction by Klaus Bästlein, before 1945 Stasi victim Walter Linse had been a follower of the NS regime and an anti-Semite who, in his function as a consultant of the IHK Chemnitz, considerably drove on the “Aryanisation” of the economy and in this context additionally bullied the expropriated Jewish business people. However, there is proof neither that Linse had anti-Semitic ideas nor that he treated victims of “Aryanisation” unfairly. He was no opponent of the regime nor even a resistance fighter, but he had a distanced attitude to the NS system.

Aron Buzogány / Rolf Frankenberger / Patricia Graf:
Policy-Making und Legitimation in Autokratien: Das Beispiel der Innovationspolitik (S. 257–280)

In addition to repression and co-optation, authoritarian regimes use redistributive and legitimizing strategies in order to secure heir survival. In this article we conceptualize and discuss different opportunities of legitimation through policy-making that can be sed in autocracies. We exemplify this concept by outlining autocractic legitimation strategies in innovation policy. Legitimation through policy-making is a double-edged sword, as it includes both potentials and risks for legitimation.

Book Reviews

Die Gesellschaft der Gleichen
Hamburg (Hamburger Edition) 2013 / Autor: Pierre Rosanvallon
Rezension: Rudi Bigalke (S. 283–285)

Der Bombenkrieg. Europa 1939–1945
Berlin (Rowohlt) 2014 / Autor: Richard Overy
Rezension: Roman Töppel (S. 285–290)

Inferno Ostpreußen. Elemente eines Verlusts
Berlin (Anthea Verlag) 2015 / Autor: Bernhard Fisch
Rezension: Gerhard Barkleit (S. 290–295)

War die DDR totalitär? Eine vergleichende Untersuchung des Herrschaftssystems der DDR anhand der Totalitarismuskonzepte von Friedrich, Linz, Bracher und Kielmansegg
Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2014 / Autor: Florian Gräßler
Rezension: Manuel Becker (S. 296–299)

Opposition, Widerstand und Revolution. Widerständiges Verhalten in Leipzig im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
Halle (Saale) (Mitteldeutscher Verlag) 2014 / Autor: Rainer Eckert
Rezension: Jörg Ganzenmüller (S. 299–301)

Extremismus und Demokratie. Parteien und Wahlen. Historisch-politische Streifzüge
Köln (Böhlau) 2015 / Autor: Eckhard Jesse
Rezension: Alexander Straßner (S. 301–303)

Rechtspopulismus und Rechtsextremismus in Europa. Die Herausforderung der Zivilgesellschaft durch alte Ideologien und neue Medien
Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2015 / Autor: Frank Decker / Bernd Hennigsen / Kjetil Jakobsen
Rezension: Tom Mannewitz (S. 303–306)
