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Artikel von Roman P. Smolorz

Kommunistische Agenten in der deutschen Osteuropa-Forschung 1963–1982 vor dem Hintergrund der neuen Ostpolitik der Brandt-Scheel-Regierung

TD: Jahrgang 3, Heft 2006, 1, Seite 111–140

Abstract / Volltext

Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

Between 1963 and the 1980s the major part of the scientific, ethnographic and cultural institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany was spied out by the Polish Office of Public Security. This essay deals with the personal responsibility for the espionage, with the methods of working of this Security-Office and inquires the importance of the communist influence on the intellectual life in Western Germany in the 1970s and 1980s.
