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Article by Jan Erik Schulte


„Und sie werden nicht mehr frei sein ihr ganzes Leben“. Funktion und Stellenwert der NSDAP, ihrer Gliederungen und angeschlossenen Verbände im „Dritten Reich“ ( Schriftenreihe der Forschungsgemeinschaft 20. Juli 1944 e.V. Band 16)

by author: Becker, Stephanie; Studt, Christoph

TD: volume 10, issue 2013, 1, page 167–169


Einführung: NS-Täterforschung: Karrieren zwischen Diktatur und Demokratie

TD: volume 7, issue 2010, 2, page 179–181

Editorial: Research on National Socialist Perpetrators: Careers between Dictatorship and Democracy

TD: volume 7, issue 2010, 2, page 183–185

Individuelle Herrschaftspartizipation im Nationalsozialismus - Dr. Hanns Bobermin: Vom Deutschen Gemeindetag zur SS-Wirtschaft

TD: volume 7, issue 2010, 2, page 213–238

Abstract / Full text

Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

The economist and SS officer Dr. Hanns Bobermin rose to important positions in the “Deutscher Gemeindetag”, an enforced centralized communal organization, and, foremost, in the SS industry. His curriculum vitae exemplifies how an individual could successfully position himself in the “Third Reich” and participate in the NS rule. This included the participation in the pillaging of Polish and Jewish factory owners as well as the exploitation of concentration camp prisoners in Auschwitz. After his release from allied custody, networking links established before 1945 helped him to once more achieve a respected bourgeois existence.

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