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Article by Tilman Pohlmann

Einführung: Akteure der Diktatur – Regionale Fallstudien zur NS- und SED-Herrschaft

TD: volume 10, issue 2013, 1, page 7–10

Editorial: Actors of Dictatorship – Regional Case Studies on NS and SED Rule

TD: volume 10, issue 2013, 1, page 11–14

Von „Antifaschisten“ und „neuen Kadern“ – Sozialbiografische Betrachtungen zu den Ersten Kreissekretären der SED in der Region Sachsen (1945–1971)

TD: volume 10, issue 2013, 1, page 109–134

Abstract / Full text

Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

Among the ranks of the SED, the First District Secretaries occupied regional key positions. On the one hand, being actors of the lower coordination points of the Party, they acted as essential catalysts of the centralized will of the Party, on the other hand they held the first contact positions for social- and economy-political feedbacks from the Saxonian districts. The following contribution discusses the social-biographic background of this functional elite. In this context, both its general social profile and marked, cohort-specific internal differentiations will be analysed. In each case, formative patterns of experience from the first part of the 20th century left their marks on the collective biographies of these “Heads of the District”, helping much to stabilize the SED regime until the 1970s.

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