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Article by Patrick Moreau

Die Rückkehr des Nationalpopulismus in Österreich

TD: volume 7, issue 2010, 1, page 39–82

Abstract / Full text

Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

Since the early 1980s, Austria has been one of the European countries with the strongest electoral results of right wing national-populist parties. In 2000, the FPÖ (Freedom Party of Austria) became partner of a coalition government on the national level. After a short weakness at the 2002 national elections, the party seems to be an accepted political actor once again. The 2008 national and the 2009 European elections have proven this trend. After the death of Jörg Haider, a new charismatic leader, Heinz-Christian Strache, has stepped into the limelight. The Austrian political system is under strong pressure of the national-populist radical right. This latter is surfing on a wave of authoritarian, individualistic, xenophobe, and anti-European attitudes of the collective Austrian value system. Young people consider the FPÖ and its youthful chairman Strache the representatives of a counter-culture which might be able to break down the political and social conformity of the weak and unpopular Grand Coalition.

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Die kommunistischen und postkommunistischen Parteien Westeuropas: Ein unaufhaltsamer Niedergang?

TD: volume 1, issue 2004, 1, page 35–62

Abstract / Full text

Mit dem Untergang des Sowjetkommunismus sind die ehedem an ihm orientierten Parteien keineswegs von der politischen Landkarte Europas verschwunden. Ein Vergleich der westeuropäischen Formationen fördert drei ideologisch- programmatische Strömungen zu Tage: „Traditionelle“ KPen halten am Erbe des Marxismus-Leninismus weitgehend fest, während sich „postkommunistische“ Organisationen weitgehend davon lösen, Kapitalismuskritik zum Teil mit ökologistischen Konzepten verbinden. Dazwischen angesiedelt sind „Reformkommunisten“, die dem Leninismus in Teilen abschwören, dem Marxismus aber überwiegend die Treue halten. Angesichts der Auflösung traditioneller Milieus gehen alle drei Strömungen im Wettbewerb mit der etablierten gemäßigten Linken einer ungewissen Zukunft entgegen.

Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

The demise of Soviet Communism by no means implies that the parties formerly bound up with it have disappeared from Europe's political landscape. A comparison of these formations in western Europe distinguishes three ideological and programmatic currents: "traditional" Communist parties largely adhere to the heritage of Marxism and Leninism, while "post-Communist" organizations have largely dissociated themselves from it, frequently combining criticism of capitalism with ecological concepts. Between these two poles are the "reform Communists", who have partly turned away from Leninism but largely retain their allegiance to Marxism. The disintegration of their traditional milieus are an essential reason for their uncertain prospects in the ongoing competition with established moderate left-wing organizations.

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