Fedor Stepuns Analysen der russischen Revolution in der katholischen Zeitschrift „Hochland“ (1924–1927)
TD: Jahrgang 14, Heft 2017, 1, Seite 105–121
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Fedor Stepun (1884–1965) was one of the most important mediators between German and Russian culture in the 20th century. In 1922, he was expelled from his motherland along with other prominent Russian intellectuals. The Soviet leadership, turning Russia into an ideocratic dictatorship, considered those independent thinkers to be regime-obstructers. However, they were rarely noticed in the West as well, because the Western audience was more focused on the Bolshevik winners in the Russian Civil War rather than on those who had lost. So the later had to fight for their spiritual and material survival. Nevertheless, certain European groups were willing to listen to the Russian exile thinkers, e.g. the publishers of the Catholic journal “Hochland” which became a tribune for a number of them in the 1920s and 1930s. Fedor Stepun was one of the most active “Hochland”-authors. This contribution deals with Stepun’s articles, dated 1924–1927, where he analysed the Russian revolution and the European crisis of the 20th century.