Ideokratie oder die Geburt der Gewalt aus enttrivialisierter Moral
TD: Jahrgang 9, Heft 2012, 1, Seite 5–13
Abstract / Volltext
Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
Based on Immanuel Kant's dictum by which he states that only goodwill can be considered unconditionally good, both within and without this world, this article seeks to explain how violence can evolve from goodwill. The world - enhancing potential, which is inherent to goodwill and - in an abstract sense - to ideocracy, too, can be further increased by enlightenment. Therefore, one is to create the educational preconditions for improving the world by one's own means. This approach is followed by technocratic ideocracies. Furthermore, totalitarian ideocracies possess "higher moralism", which calls for the unity of theory and practice.