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Artikel von Michail Logvinov

Ist der Salafismus tatsächlich ein „ideologisches Fundament des Islamischen Staates“?

TD: Jahrgang 14, Heft 2017, 2, Seite 291–308


Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

In Europe in the past few years an orthopraxy of the Salafist kind has become a disputed phenomenon which is most of all considered a security issue. Many experts from the sciences and the security services assume a – still hardly proven – nexus between Salafism and Islamist terrorism, which is why the members of this milieu, who themselves believe to walk on the trail of their “pious ancestors”, are considered a danger and their worldviews are considered an “intellectual breeding ground for terrorism”. In contrast to this, the author supports the following thesis: Indeed the phenomena of Salafism and jihadism or jihadist terrorism are connected by a common “historical matrix” – the paradigm of an original Islamic community as a reference – as well as by a similar way of understanding normative Islam. However, the instrumental rationality and logics of the legitimising frame-script selections of the two strands are different.

Der deutsche Dschihad – Taten und Worte

TD: Jahrgang 11, Heft 2014, 1, Seite 123–153

Abstract / Volltext

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In 2009 at the latest there appeared a new type of Islamist militants originating from the Federal Republic : increasingly, young men and women with or without a migration background, who had been born and raised in Germany, decided to join foreign terrorist organisations to, by their orders, carry out militant actions or terrorist attacks against the West and Germany. From Hamburg, Berlin, Bonn and other German cities and regions the “Jihad Caravan” went to Waziristan or Syria where a number of German converts, Turks, Afghans and Arabs, had joined groups such as Al Qaida ( AQ ), “Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan” (IBU ) and “Islamic Jihad Union” ( IJU ). The contribution sketches the lines of development of German jihad against the background of conflicts both in Germany and in foreign countries.


Einführung: Rechtsextremistische Gewalt

TD: Jahrgang 10, Heft 2013, 2, Seite 201–204

Editorial: Right-wing extremist violence

TD: Jahrgang 10, Heft 2013, 2, Seite 205–208

Terrorismusrelevante Indikatoren und Gefahrenfaktoren im Rechtsextremismus

TD: Jahrgang 10, Heft 2013, 2, Seite 263–300

Abstract / Volltext

Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

By way of case examples from the history of right-wing terrorism in post-war Germany the contribution works out terrorism-relevant indicators. The focus is on four dimensions of analysis: Actors, ideologies, reference groups and framework conditions. They serve as projection surfaces for the analysis of possible sub-indicators which might shed light on how dangerous right-wing terrorism is in the sense of it being relevant for terrorism. The contribution focusses on the question of under which conditions and in which constellations one must expect the threshold towards terrorist violence being transgressed. According to the author, right-wing extremist actors showing the described features require particular attention both by security authorities and applied research on extremism.
