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Artikel von Enrique Líster

Vorgeschichte und Voraussetzungen der Ansiedlung der spanischen kommunistischen Emigranten in Osteuropa

TD: Jahrgang 2, Heft 2005, 2, Seite 289–316

Abstract / Volltext

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This article treats the Spanish communist emigration which settled in Eastern Europe from 1951 on. Its author defends the thesis that both the banning of the Spanish Communist Party in France and the expulsion of dozens of Spanish communists executives and leaders towards 'people's democracies' were justified by the Westerners' desire - mainly that of the United States - to hamper the activities of the Spanish Communist Party on French territory. This Party was considered as the organiser and co-ordinator of a huge movement of guerilleros acting in Spain where the United States were about to establish military bases following the foundation of NATO in 1949.


Beim Durchblättern der (gefälschten) Geschichte

TD: Jahrgang 2, Heft 2005, 2, Seite 389–390

Abstract / Volltext

Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
