Serbiens selbst auferlegte Isolierung – Thesen über den serbischen Nationalismus
TD: Jahrgang 4, Heft 2007, 2, Seite 347–374
Abstract / Volltext
Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
The key issue, dealing with the possible process of adopting Western European values and principles of social life, is the following: Why is Serbia alone? Accordingly, How come that ex-Yugoslav member republics have distanced themselves from Serbia? Has Serbia ever been a Piedmont? Why do the Balkanian neighbouring countries not consider Serbia a trusty partner in their “European” aspirations? These are the issues which beg for attention nowadays. Pursuing answers to these questions is actually searching for an answer to the following questions: How to embark on a journey to Europe? If a journey to Europe is what we want, that is.