Einführung: Kommunistische Nachrichtendienste im westlichen Europa
TD: Jahrgang 13, Heft 2016, 2, Seite 147–150
TD: Jahrgang 13, Heft 2016, 2, Seite 147–150
TD: Jahrgang 13, Heft 2016, 2, Seite 151–154
TD: Jahrgang 11, Heft 2014, 2, Seite 267–278
Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
The following contribution, thanks to new, previously inaccessible archive sources, presents a clearly differentiated picture of the mutual relationship of the MfS to the Polish Ministry of Interior ( PMI ) between 1974 and 1990. The Author means, that the PMI was no passive actor in this relationship and that the myth of a weak Polish intelligence service and strong East German one in Poland is false. Against the MfS, the PMI used the same instruments, methods, and means of defense ( counter - measurers ) that the Stasi in the GDR used against Polish spying.
TD: Jahrgang 8, Heft 2011, 2, Seite 327–330
TD: Jahrgang 4, Heft 2007, 1, Seite 174–177
TD: Jahrgang 4, Heft 2007, 2, Seite 301–321
Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
The democratic opposition has decisively influenced the democratic consolidation process in Poland and the G.D.R. Indeed, the polish opposition accelerated the system change, but the dissidents did not develop the primary guidelines for society in the consolidated democracy, because of the united fight against communism and weak political education. East Germans, however, did. Such an opinion confirms the development of party systems in both countries after 1989.