Der Berliner NSDAP-Lokalfunktionär Karl Kasper – Eine exemplarische Karriere
TD: Jahrgang 10, Heft 2013, 1, Seite 37–59
Abstract / Volltext
Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
Karl Kasper was one out of the total of 102 NSDAP city council members and district leaders. These local NS functionaries had joined the Party long before 1933 and thus counted among the “Alte Kämpfer” (veterans) of the National Socialist movement. By granting them responsible positions in the hierarchies of Party and administration, the NSDAP allowed them to enforce and co-shape the dictatorship in the centre of power, thus improving their social status. These “Alte Kämpfer” served as opinion formers and links of the Party to the populations of the big cities, to local administrations and business. By the example of Karl Kasper’s biography the contribution demonstrates exemplarily the specific social profile, the career paths and networks of Berlin city council members and district leaders. It demonstrates that making careers in a variety of fields as well as the possibility of extensive networking was a privilege of local NS functionaries in Berlin.