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Article by Hedi Haase

Vorher – Nachher – Jetzt: Der Initiativkreis Riebeckstraße 63

TD: volume 18, issue 2021, 2, page 267–274


Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

In Riebeckstraße 63 in Leipzig, people were ostracised and stigmatised over a period of one hundred years. Founded in 1892, under the name of “Zwangsarbeitsanstalt St. Georg” (St. George Institution of Forced Labour), during the NS period this complex of buildings became a workplace and place of collecting forced labourers, Jews as well as Romani people. In the GDR it was, among others, the location of a venereological station for women (allegedly) suffering from venereal diseases as well as a social home and a long-term care psychiatry. In 2019 there formed an initiative which actively supports the establishment of a site for commemoration, learning and encounter at the location.