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Artikel von Cordula Borbe

Kulturelle Erinnerungsarbeit als Auftrag für die Theorie und Praxis Sozialer Arbeit in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft nach 1989

TD: Jahrgang 18, Heft 2021, 2, Seite 227–240


Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

How are memories connected to the topic of being an immigration society dealt with in Germany’s East and West? The idea the article is based on is to do kind of cultural remembrance work among Germany’s immigration society after 1989 which is reflected on by way of the theory and practice of social work. New potentials for democratisation processes by help of migration-sensitive remembrance work are made accessible by extending target groups as well as a profound repertoire of the methods of social work. This approach is enriched by practitioners from (cultural) remembrance work who have their say here.