Hannah Arendt im Gepäck. Sieben Wege zum Politischen
von Autor/in: Karl-Heinz BreierTD: Jahrgang 21, Heft 2024, 2, Seite 314–316
TD: Jahrgang 21, Heft 2024, 2, Seite 314–316
TD: Jahrgang 19, Heft 2022, 2, Seite 213–217
TD: Jahrgang 19, Heft 2022, 2, Seite 219–223
TD: Jahrgang 19, Heft 2022, 2, Seite 305–326
Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
The Covid-19 pandemic triggered profound changes, some of which threatened to shake the foundations of liberal democracy. In Germany, government measures to contain the virus were accompanied by protests. What has remained unclear in the related academic debate so far is: What attitudinal patterns do emerge among the Corona-critical segments of the population – and by what narratives do crucial protest actors attempt to specifically address these orientations? The article explores the supply and demand side of the demonstration landscape by the example of Saxony and presents first-hand quantitative and qualitative data to describe the interplay between political entrepreneurs and mobilizable citizens.
TD: Jahrgang 18, Heft 2021, 2, Seite 317–318
TD: Jahrgang 17, Heft 2020, 1, Seite 97–118
Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
The Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) continues to captivate Comparative Politics: Whereas the party’s right-wing populist nature is known to be widely undisputed, its potential to transform the democratic system remains highly contentious. In addition to analyses that focus on the populist and extremist character of the AfD, this contribution seeks to identify the antidemocratic potential of the party on the basis of Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt’s “key indicators of authoritarian behaviour”. The analysis is complemented by a critical examination of Levitsky and Ziblatt’s call for a “distancing” strategy.
TD: Jahrgang 17, Heft 2020, 2, Seite 262–264
TD: Jahrgang 14, Heft 2017, 1, Seite 174–177
TD: Jahrgang 12, Heft 2015, 2, Seite 344–346