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Artikel von Stefano Cavazza

Einführung: Populismus und Faschismus

TD: Jahrgang 9, Heft 2012, 2, Seite 203–206

Editorial: Populism and Fascism

TD: Jahrgang 9, Heft 2012, 2, Seite 207–210

War der Faschismus populistisch ? Überlegungen zur Rolle des Populismus in der faschistischen Diktatur in Italien (1922–1943)

TD: Jahrgang 9, Heft 2012, 2, Seite 235–256

Abstract / Volltext

Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

The article analyses the relationship between populism and fascism. The author argues that fascism cannot be considered a populist ideology or a populist movement. Nevertheless, populist elements can be found in the fascist political discourse. The article analyses four points in fascist ideology and propaganda, comparing them with populist features : the appeal to the people as a form of legitimation, rural ideology, resentment against the bourgeoisie in the late thirties and the way Mussolini’s image was represented. The article demonstrates that populist elements played an important role at the beginning, advertising the movement among the people. After the fascists seized power, populism still featured in regime propaganda, but in a more manipulative role.
