Zivilgesellschaftlicher Demokratieschutz durch politische Stiftungen
TD: Jahrgang 20, Heft 2023, 2, Seite 193–222
Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
Political foundations are relevant actors in the civil protection of democracy in Germany. In order to analyse their contribution to this task, this article considers the self-image, the definitions of “hostility to democracy”, the concepts used, the practical work, the influence on the public and the relationship of ten political foundations to the Verfassungsschutz. In addition to the major party foundations, the Otto Brenner, Hans Böckler and Amadeu Antonio Foundations are included in the study due to their visibility. As a result, three types of foundation emerge: the “government agency twin”, the “occasional democracy protector” and the “anti-fascist activist”.