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Article by Maik Herold

Auf Abstand zur Demokratie? Coronakritische Einstellungen und ihre Mobilisierung in Sachsen

TD: volume 19, issue 2022, 2, page 305–326


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The Covid-19 pandemic triggered profound changes, some of which threatened to shake the foundations of liberal democracy. In Germany, government measures to contain the virus were accompanied by protests. What has remained unclear in the related academic debate so far is: What attitudinal patterns do emerge among the Corona-critical segments of the population – and by what narratives do crucial protest actors attempt to specifically address these orientations? The article explores the supply and demand side of the demonstration landscape by the example of Saxony and presents first-hand quantitative and qualitative data to describe the interplay between political entrepreneurs and mobilizable citizens.

Fremdenfeindlichkeit im rechtspopulistischen Protest: das Beispiel Pegida

TD: volume 15, issue 2018, 1, page 13–23


Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description

In autumn 2014, a protest movement by the name of Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident (Pegida) appeared on the streets and squares in Germany. The image presented to the outside world led to the conclusion that it was a small-minded, blatantly Islamophobic and xenophobic mob publicly displaying their diffuse fears and resentments. Nevertheless, the participants, supporters and initiators of the protest rallies always denied any xenophobic motives. In fact, they thought of themselves as the avant-garde among the citizens, who had the courage to take justified criticism generally shared by the population to the street as a public protest. By scrutinizing these two views based on existing findings this essay examines the role of xenophobia and Islamophobia for the formation and development of Pegida.