Rechtsextremismus als Posttransformationsphänomen – der Fall Ungarn
TD: Jahrgang 7, Heft 2010, 1, Seite 83–104
Abstract / Volltext
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The authors are of the opinion that, after successfully having consolidated democracy, Hungary is really shaken by right-wing extremism. With new actors and an openly national-socialist ideology, the latter may be interpreted as a post-transformation phenomenon in the context of a Hungary - specific situation of mixed influences. “Movement right-wing extremism” meshes party and street. It shows features of a “new social movement”, connected to a historic-symbolic framework openly refering to Fascism. The Jobbik movement makes old wounds and unsolved conflicts obvious, particularly the majority population’s general hatred towards Roma. Thus, right-wing extremism is a phenomenon originating from the midst of society. The population’s dissatisfaction with the elites is due to the populist, polarizing behaviour of the big parties. A militant democracy, distancing itself from extremist poles, is unknown in Hungary.