Kontakte zwischen CSSR- und DDR-Bürgern, 1968–1989
TD: Jahrgang 4, Heft 2007, 2, Seite 285–300
Abstract / Volltext
Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
Based on archival materials, this essay includes descriptions of connections between opposition groups as well as civic contact between citizens in Czechoslovakia and the German Democratic Republic between 1968 and 1989. This pertains, on the one hand, to the goal-oriented, transnational cooperation in the interest of changing society in both countries, while on the other it is about personal relationships that developed while people were on vacation and opportunities for G.D.R. citizens to meet West German family members in Czechoslovakia or to use it to stage their escape from the republic. Finally, the essay seeks to answer the question as to what the national governments of both countries thought of the contacts.