In den Fängen der Bürokratie - deutsche Emigranten in der UdSSR am Vorabend des "Großen Terrors"
TD: Jahrgang 8, Heft 2011, 1, Seite 27–52
Abstract / Volltext
Es folgt die Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache following the article short description
This contribution focuses on a topic which is close to the genre of “micro history” and at first sight seems to be of marginal significance: the bureaucratic control of those emigrants from Germany as arriving in the Soviet Union at the end of the 1920s / beginning of the 1930s. In this context, the study will exclusively deal with those emigrants who in the following were to fall victim to the “Great Terror”. The fate of this group of people provides an exemplary view at the structures of a bureaucratic machinery whose wheels crushed many.