Academic career
- 2021: Ph.D., Political Science and International Affairs, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia Dissertation: “Unpacking Second-order Elections Theory: Vote Choice and Turnout in European Elections”. Committee: Cas Mudde (chair), Alexa Bankert, Mollie Cohen, Shane P. Singh First Field: Comparative Politics Second Field: International Relations
- 2015: M.A., Political Science, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
- 2013: B.A., Political Science, Università Degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, Italy
Work experience
- September 2022 – present: Lecturer (part-time), Newton University, Prague, Czech Republic
- January 2022 – September 2022: Research Officer & Lecturer, Newton University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Political Science, Social and Political Systems, Spring 2022
- Summer 2021
- Dr. Cas Mudde, Fall 2017; Spring 2018; Summer 2018; Spring 2019; Summer 2019; Summer 2020; Fall 2020
- Dr. Daniel W. Hill, Jr., Fall 2017; Spring 2018
- Dr. Megan Turnbull, Fall 2020
- Dr. Benjamin Bricker, Fall 2014; Spring 2015; Fall 2015
- Dr. Tobin Grant, Fall 2015
Linguistic proficiency
- Czech (Native)
- English (Fluent)
- Italian (Fluent)
- Spanish (Good)
- Slovak and Polish (mutually intelligible with Czech)
Research projects
- “Unpacking Second-Order Elections Theory: The Effects of Ideological Extremity on Voting in European Elections”. (under review)
- Working Papers “Victims of the Pandemic? The Impact of Covid-19 on Narratives and Electoral Performance of the European Far-Right”. (manuscript in progress)
- “Putin’s Puppets in Europe? The Far Right’s Reaction to the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine”. With Cas Mudde. (manuscript in progress)
Scholarships and Awards
Newton University
- Erasmus+ Staff Mobility (955€), May 2022
- APSA Travel Grant ($400), Fall 2022
University of Georgia
- Graduate School COVID-19 Summer assistantship funding ($3,516.29), Summer 2021
- Graduate assistantship, School of Public and Intl. Affairs (SPIA), August 2016–May 2020; August 2020–May 2021
- Graduate assistantship, UGA at Oxford Program, Summer 2019; Spring 2020
- Summer research assistantship, Dr. Cas Mudde, Summer 2018; Summer 2019; Summer 2020
- Graduate fellowship, Seminar on Transnational European Studies in Berlin, Summer 2018
- SPIA Departmental Travel Grant ($350), Spring 2018
- SPIA Departmental Travel Grant ($250), Spring 2018
- Graduate teaching assistantship, Freshman College Summer Experience, Summer 2017
- SPIA Departmental Travel Grant ($250), Spring 2017
- SPIA Supplement Award ($5,000), Fall 2016
Southern Illinois
- UniversityGraduate assistantship, Department of Political Science, Fall 2014–Fall 2015
Academic self-government
Graduate Administrator, UGA at Oxford Program
- Summer 2019; Spring 2020
Academic Tutor, University of Georgia
- Comparative Politics, International Relations, Introduction to Research Methods, Italian, Fall 2017–Spring 2019
Functions and memberships
- Peer Review, Journals: Czech Journal of Political Science, East European Politics and Societies, European Journal of Political Research, Interdisciplinary Political Studies, Nationalities Papers, Political Research Quarterly, Swiss Political Science Review
- Peer Review: Funders National Science Centre Poland
- Council for European Studies
- European Consortium for Political Research
- Midwest Political Science Association
- Standing Group on Central and East European Politics
- Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy
- Standing Group on Political Parties
Articles in journals
‘My enemy’s enemy is my friend’? European radical left parties’ response to Russia’s war in Ukraine
Wondreys, Jakub; March, Luke; Pytlas, Bartek
In: The British Journal of Politics and International Relations (2024),
more details
Choosing who to hate? The Extreme and Radical Right's Foreign Policy between Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and Russophilia
Wondreys, Jakub; Zulianello, Mattia
In: Swiss Political Science Review (2024),
more details
Putin’s puppets in the West? The far right’s reaction to the 2022 Russian (re)invasion of Ukraine
Wondreys, Jakub
In: Party Politics (2023),
more details
Unpacking second-order elections theory: The effects of ideological extremity on voting in European elections
Wondreys, Jakub
In: Electoral Studies, 85 (2023),
more details
Victims of the Pandemic? European Far-Right Parties and COVID-19
Wondreys, Jakub; Mudde, Cas
In: Nationalities Papers, 50 (2022), 1, pp. 86-103.
The “Refugee Crisis” and the Transformation of the Far Right and the Political Mainstream: The Extreme Case of the Czech Republic
Wondreys, Jakub
In: East European Politics, 37 (2021), 4, pp. 722-746.
Public Opinion and Opposition Party Success: Evidence from the European Constitutional Courts
Wondreys, Jakub; Bricker, Benjamin
In: Justice System Journal, 39 (2018), 2, pp. 123-138.
Articles in Anthologies
La stessa cosa? La politica estera dell’estrema destra e della destra radicale
In: Zulianello, Mattia; Guasti, Petra (Ed.): Capire il Populismo.
UTET, Turin 2024.. (Wondreys, Jakub)
more details
Press Articles
Was Europas Rechtsaußenparteien in der Außenpolitik wollen
Welt vom 25.05.2024 more details
Unlike Trump, Europe’s Far-right Leaders Haven’t Been Damaged by the Pandemic
The Guardian vom 17.12.2020 more details
further publishments
The 2021 Czech parliamentary elections: the surprising victory of the anti-populist coalition, 2021 vom 11.10.2021 to the internet article