PD Dr. habil. Friederike Kind-Kovács
Academic Researcher
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
phone: +49 (0351) 463 31651

Academic career
- 10/2020-03/2021 Substitute Chair Holder of the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History at TU Dresden
- 05/2019
Habilitation and awarding of the Venia Legendi for the subjects of Modern and Contemporary History, as well as Eastern and Southeastern European History at the Faculty of Philosophy, Art History, History and Humanities at the University of Regensburg
- 2016–2018 Rumänicum, Studies in Romanian language, culture and regional studies at the Europaeum,University of Regensburg
- 2008 Doctorate in History at the University of Potsdam
- 2006–2007 Hungaricum, Studies in Hungarian language, culture and regional studies, University of Regensburg
- 2005–2006 Doctoral Support Program, Central European University, Budapest
- 2002 Master of Arts in Modern History, St. Andrews University, UK
- 1999–2001
Elementary course in Modern/Contemporary History, Art History and Spanish at the University of Freiburg
Stays abroad
- 03–06/2019 Senior Botstiber Fellowship In Transatlantic Austrian and Central European Relationships, Institute for Advanced Study, Central European University, Budapest
- 05–07/2017 Mobility scholarship at the Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
- 06–07/2015 Research Grant of the „Reluctant Internationalists”, Birkbeck College, London, UK
- 2010–2018 Multi-week research and archive visits to Amsterdam, Birmingham, Budapest, Geneva, London, New York, Stanford, Washington, Vienna
- 2005–2006 Doctoral Support Program, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
- 2003–2006 Multi-week research and archive visits to Budapest, Stanford, Yale, New York, Paris, Warsaw, Bremen
- 2002 Internship, Musée d’art et d’histoire du judaisme, Paris, France
- 2001–2002 Master's degree, St. Andrews University, UK
Work experience
- Since 08/2018 Researcher at Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies e.V. at TU Dresden
- 10/2020-03/2021 Substitute Chair Holder of the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History at TU Dresden
- 02/2009–07/2018 Academic Councillor (temporary) at the Chair for the History of Southeastern and Eastern Europe, Regensburg
- 07/2012-07/2018 Member of the Graduate School for Eastern and Southeastern European Studies in Regensburg/Munich
Linguistic proficiency
- English (business fluent)
- French (fluent)
- Hungarian (fluent)
- Spanish (proficient in coversation)
- Romanian (basic knowledge)
Research and teaching focus
- History of childhood, family and youth
- Comparative transformation research
- Childhood in times of political transformation
- History of Southeastern and Eastern Europe
- Poverty, hunger and humanitarianism in the 20th century
- Transnational cultural and media history of the Cold War
- Opposition and everyday life in real socialism
- Migration, Flight and Borders
- Life historical and biographical research
Scholarships and Awards
- 06/2023 "Grace Abbott Prize for the best book in English on the history of children, childhood, or youth in 2022" of the Society for the History of Children and Youth for the monograph "Budapest's Children: Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War" https://www.shcy.org/awards/shcy-2023-award-winners/
- 10/2019 Award of the "Regensburger Preis für Frauen in Wissenschaft und Kunst" endowed with 15.000€ https://www.uni-regensburg.de/pressearchiv/pressemitteilung/1026562.html
- 03–06/2019 Four-month Botstiber Senior Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Study at the Central European University, Budapest
- 10/2017–07/2018 Ten-month fellowship, Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena
- 09/2017–06/2018 Ten-month Botstiber Senior Fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Study at the Central European University, Budapest (denied)
- 05–07/2017
Mobility/short-termin scholarship for junior researchers of the University of Regensburg, Historical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Budapest
- 10/2015 University of Southern
California Book Prize in Literary and Cultural Studies (for an
outstanding monograph published on Russia, Eastern Europe or Eurasia in
the fields of literary and cultural studies) in 2015 for the monograph "Written Here, Published There: How Underground Literature
Crossed the Iron Curtain." Central European University Press, New York and Budapest [online]
- 2012–2015
Funding of an international scientific network by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) on the topic of „Sozialfürsorge und
Gesundheit in Südost- und Osteuropa im Langen Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert”, with Heike Karge (Regensburg) and Sara Bernasconi (Zurich)
- 01/2012 DAAD Promos scholarship for partial financing of a one-week archive visit for ten students to the Open Society Archives in Budapest
- 01/2011 Erasmus Teaching Mobility for a teaching stay at the Central European University, Budapest
- 2010–2012 Scholarship holder of the „Fast Track” programme (Exzellenz und Führungskompetenz für Wissenschaftlerinnen auf der Überholspur) of the Robert Bosch Foundation
- 06/2010 Mobility grant for a student excursion to Budapest, Bayhost
- 11/2009 Nomination of the dissertation for the junior research award of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
- 2007–2009 Scholarship holder of the career promotion programme for women „Talente sichern. Zukunft gestalten” of the German Begabtenförderungswerke
- 03/2006
Approved application to the Volkswagen Foundation for the conference „From
Samizdat to Tamizdat: Dissident Media out of Central Eastern Europe
after 1945“, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna
- 01/2004–12/2006 Doctoral funding by the Begabtenförderungswerk Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e. V.
- 09/2000–12/2003 Scholarship holder in basic funding of the Begabtenförderungswerk Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e. V.
Expert activities
- for the journals: he History of the Family, Austrian History Yearbook, L'HOMME. Europäische Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft, The Romanian Journal on Population Studies, Cold War History, East Central Europe, Contemporary European History, Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, European Review of History, Hungarian Historical Review, Spiegelungen. Zeitschrift für deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Südosteuropas
- for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFD), the promotional programme "Sparkling Science" of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy (BMBF), the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, Padua
Academic self-government
- Since 2018 Head of Public Relations at HAIT, Dresden
- 2015/16
Member of the Appointments Commitee for the professorship "History of Central Eastern Europe/Russia in the premodern era" at the University of Regensburg/LMU Munich
- 2014–2018 Member of the Examination Board of the Hungaricum (Hungarian Study Programme), University of Regensburg
- 2013/2014 Member of the Appointments Committee for the professorship "Social Anthropology", University of Regensburg
- 2013
Equal Opportunities Officer in the Selection Committee for the second cohort of doctoral students, Graduate School for Eastern and Southeastern European Studies, University of Regensburg/LMU Munich
- 2012–2013
Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer, Graduate School for Eastern and Southeastern European Studies, University of Regensburg/LMU Munich
- 2011–2012 Postdoc Representative in the framework of application for the Graduate School for Eastern and Southeastern European Studies (University of Regensburg/LMU Munich) in the Excellence Initiative
- 2010–2016 Member of Examination Boards for oral Bachelor's and Master's examinations
- 2010 Member of the Appointments Committee for the professorship "Eastern European History", University of Regensburg/LMU Munich
Organizational activity
- 2022: Co-Organisation der internationalen Konferenz “In search of the migrant child: Entangled histories of childhood across borders” an der University of California Berkeley
- 2022 Co-Organiser of the third digital workshop “Not Mere Objects: Uncovering Children’s Subjectivities in Migration” of the "In Search of the Migrant Child" network with Swen Steinberg, Bettina Hitzer and Sheer Ganor, Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies/German Historical Institute Washington/DC and its Pacific Regional Office at the University of California in Berkeley/the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (ZOOM)
- 2021 Co-Organiser of the second digital workshop “Pieces and Bits From The Past: Children’s Agency in Migration” of the "In Search of the Migrant Child" network with Swen Steinberg, Bettina Hitzer and Sheer Ganor, Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies/German Historical Institute Washington/DC and its Pacific Regional Office at the University of California in Berkeley/the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (ZOOM)
- 2021 Co-Organiser of the first digital workshop “In Search of the Migrant Child: ‘Extra'-ordinary Sources of Child Migrants’ Past Lives” of the "In Search of the Migrant Child" network with Swen Steinberg and Sheer Ganor, Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies/German Historical Institute Washington/DC and its Pacific Regional Office at the University of California in Berkeley/the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (ZOOM)
- 2020 Co-Organiser of the digital workshop „Care and Volunteering in Transformation“ in the framework of the joint project „Multiple Transformationen. Gesellschaftliche Erfahrung und kultureller Wandel in Ostdeutschland und Ostmitteleuropa vor und nach 1989“, with Maren Hachmeister, Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies, Dresden (ZOOM)
- 2019 Co-Organiser of the conference „Ambiguities of Transformation: “1989” between Success Story and Biographical Crisis,” with Ira Spieker and Noa Kerstin Ha, Institute of Saxon History and Cultural Anthropology (ISGV)/Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies/Center for Integration Studies (ZfI) Dresden
- 2019 Co-Organiser of the conference „Beyond 1989: Childhood in Times of Political Transformation in the 20th Century,” with Machteld Venken, Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies/Institute for Advanced Study, Budapest.
- 2019 Organiser of the colloquium „1989 zwischen Alltag und Revolution,” Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies, Dresden
- 2018 Organiser of the workshop „National and International Broadcasting in Turbulent Times. Mediating Between States and Publics” of the Leverhulme network “Connecting the Wireless World: Writing Global Radio History”, Central European University, Budapest
- 2015 Co-Organiser of the network meeting on the topic of „Thinking About Health And Welfare in (Eastern) Europe and Beyond” of the „Reluctant Internationalists” and the DFG network „Sozialfürsorge und Gesundheit in Südost- und Osteuropa im Langen Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert“, in cooperation with Jessica Reinisch, Heike Karge and Sara Bernasconi, Birkbeck College, London
- 2013 Co-Organiser of the conference „Historical Perspectives on Actors and Institutions in Health Care and Welfare Systems in Southeastern Europe in the long twentieth Century” of the DFG network „Sozialfürsorge und Gesundheit in Südost- und Osteuropa im Langen Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert“, with Heike Karge and Sara Bernasconi, University of Regensburg
- 2012 Co-Organiser of the opening conference of the scientific DFG network „Sozialfürsorge und Gesundheit in Südost- und Osteuropa im Langen Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert“, with Heike Karge and Sara Bernasconi, University of Regensburg
- 2006 Co-Organiser of the conference „From Samizdat to Tamizdat: Dissident Media out of Central Eastern Europe after 1945”, with Jessie Labov, ZZF, Potsdam/IWM, Vienna
Functions and memberships
- Speaker of the German-speaking Working Group History of Childhood https://www.hsozkult.de/event/id/event-134594
- Member of the Management Committee of the COST Action CA22159 "National, International and Transnational Histories of Healthcare, 1850-2000" https://e-services.cost.eu/action/CA22159(EuroHealthHist)Leader of the Working Group 3 "Healthcare Patients" of the COST Action CA22159 "National, International and Transnational Histories of Healthcare, 1850-2000" (EuroHealthHist) https://e-services.cost.eu/action/CA22159
- Co-Chair of the Network „Education and Childhood“ of the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) https://esshc.iisg.amsterdam/en/networks
- Member of the Advisory Boards of the Book Series "War, Conflict and Genocide Studies" der Amsterdam University Press https://www.aup.nl/en/series/war-conflict-and-genocide-studies
- Member of the "Council on Migration" https://rat-fuer-migration.de/
- Member of the Society for the History of Children and Youth (SHCY), US
- Member of the Social Science History Association (SSHA), US
- Member of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), US
- Member of the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC), Leiden
- Voluntariness and Care in Transformation: Local Involvement in the Tri-Border Region
- The "Wende" of the Children: Childhood in the East German Transformation
- Budapest's Children: Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War
- Multiple Transformations. Societal Experience and Cultural Change in East Germany and Central Eastern Europe before and after 1989
- Digitization strategy and knowledge transfer
- Ukrainian Childhood facing War and Displacement : A Life Story Project
- "PENTACON PROJECT" - Long-exposure. Work and experiences in Dresden's camera industry in the transformation years of 1980 to 2000
- More than a Footnote in History? Asta Nilsson and the Swedish Rescue of Budapests (Jewish) Children
- Out of the Camps: The Rehabilitation of Hungarian Jewish Child Victims in postwar Sweden
- COST Action CA22159, National, International and Transnational Histories of Healthcare, 1850-2000
- Working group on childhood history(ies)
Budapest's Children: Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War
Friederike Kind-Kovács
Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2022.
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The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting
Simon J. Potter; David Clayton; Friederike Kind-Kovács; Vincent Kuitenbrouwer; Nelson Ribeiro; Rebecca Scales; and Andrea Stanton
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2022.
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Written Here, Published There: How Underground Literature Crossed the Iron Curtain
Friederike Kind-Kovács
Central European University Press, New York, Budapest 2014.
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Transnational Radio Monitoring in the Twentieth Century: Practices of Propaganda and Surveillance in Europe and Beyond, 1930-1990
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Kuitenbrower, Vincent; Bardgett, Suzanne (Ed.)
Routledge: New York 2024.
Special Issue "Misplaced? Childhood, Separation and Violence in the 20th Century”
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Hitzer, Bettina (Ed.)
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Double Special issue: 1918, 1945, 1989: Childhood in times of political transformation. Part II
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Venken, Machteld (Ed.)
Sage 2021.
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Double Special Issue: 1918, 1945, 1989: Childhood in times of political transformation. Part I.
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Venken, Machteld (Ed.)
Sage 2021.
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Special Issue "Transnational Radio Monitoring"
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Kuitenbrouwer, Vincent; Bardgett, Suzanne (Ed.)
Taylor & Francis: London 2019.
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From the Midwife’s Bag to the Patient’s File: Public Health in Eastern Europe
Friederike Kind-Kovács, Sara Bernasconi und Heike Karge (Ed.)
Central European University Press: Budapest, New York 2017.
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Samizdat, Tamizdat and Beyond. Transnational media during and after socialism
Friederike Kind-Kovács, Jessie Labov (Ed.)
Berghahn Books: New York 2013.
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Articles in journals
Reflecting on the Present through the Past: Children's Displacement from Ukraine
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Oksiutovych, Anna
In: The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, Spring (2024), 2, pp. 254-271.
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Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Hitzer, Bettina
In: Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Hitzer, Bettina (Ed.)Totalitarianism and Democracy, 20 (2023), 1, pp. 19-33.
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Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Hitzer, Bettina
In: Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Hitzer, Bettina (Ed.)Totalitarismus und Demokratie, 20 (2023), 1, pp. 3-18.
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Rethinking Childhood and War in the Twentieth Century
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Contemporary European History (2023), , pp. 1-13.
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Hungary’s Forgotten Foundlings: State Care for “Abandoned” Children at the Turn of the 20th Century
Friederike Kind-Kovács
In: Romanian Journal of Population Studies, XV (2022), 2, pp. 89-114.
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Childhood in times of political transformation in the 20th Century: an introduction
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Venken, Machteld
In: Journal of Modern European History, 19 (2021), 2, pp. 155-165.
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The heroes’ children: Rescuing the Great War’s orphans
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Journal of Modern European History, 19 (2021), 2, pp. 183-205.
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The Act of Listening: Radio Monitoring, 1930-1990
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Bardgett, Suzanne; Kuitenbrouwer, V
In: Media History, 25 (2019), 4, pp. 391-399.
Talking to Listeners: Clandestine Audiences in the early Cold War
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Media History, 25 (2019), 4, pp. 462-478.
Debating East Central Europe Again? German Academia and the Dilemma of Spatial Categories
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Bopp-Filimonov, Valeska
In: Journal of Modern European History, 16 (2018), 3, pp. 307-314.
The Great War, the Child’s Body and the ‘American Red Cross’
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: European Review of History, 23 (2016), 1-2, pp. 33-62.
Crossing Germany’s Iron Curtain: Uncensored Literature from the GDR and the Other Europe
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: East Central Europe, 41 (2014), , pp. 180-203.
Memories of Ethnic Cleansing and the local Iron Curtain in the Czech-German Borderlands
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Nationalities Papers, 42 (2014), 2, pp. 199-222.
'Voices, letters, literature through the Iron Curtain': Exiles and the (trans-)mission of radio in the Cold War
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Cold War History, 13 (2013), 2, pp. 193-220.
The ‘Other’ Child Transports: World War I and the Temporary Displacement of Needy Children From Central Europe
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Journal of the History of Irregular Childhood, 15 (2013), , pp. 75-109.
Die erzählten Grenzen. Geschichte von Unten – Lebensgeschichtliche Interviews im bayerisch-böhmischen Grenzraum
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Bloman, Sabina; Hila, Roxana; Kling, Julia; Meinke, Markus
In: Blick in die Wissenschaft, 23 (2011), , pp. 3-10.
Vom Untergrund in den Mainstream: Samizdat, Emigrationsliteratur und Tamizdat und die Neuerfindung Mitteleuropas in den achtziger Jahren
Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Behrends, Jan C.
In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 45 (2005), , pp. 427-448.
Articles in Anthologies
Broadcasting as Internationalism
In: Simon J. Potter; David Clayton; Friederike Kind-Kovacs; Vincent Kuitenbrouwer; Nelson Ribeiro; Rebecca Scales; Andrea Stanton (Ed.): The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting.
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2022., pp. 134-153. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
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Feeding Hungry Bodies: Children’s Nutrition as Biopolitics After the Great War
In: Barbara Klich-Kluczewska, Joachim von Puttkamer, Immo Rebitschek (Ed.): Biopolitics in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century. Fearing for the Nation.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York 2022.. (Friederike Kind-Kovács)
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Children of the Wende: Everyday Experiences of the Postsocialist Transformation in (East) Germany
In: : Everyday Postsocialism in Eastern Europe: History Doesn't Travel in One Direction.
Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Indiana 2024., pp. 213-229. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
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"Enfants de héros": au secours des orphelins de la Grande Guerre
In: Hobson Faure, Laura; Pignot, Manon; Rivière, Antoine (Ed.): Enfants en guerre: "Sans famille" dans les conflits du XXe siècle.
CNRS Editions, Paris 2023., pp. 263-300. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
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Who (Else) is Listening? RIAS in the Early Cold War
In: Simon J. Potter; David Clayton; Friederike Kind-Kovacs; Vincent Kuitenbrouwer; Nelson Ribeiro; Rebecca Scales; Andrea Stanton (Ed.): The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting.
Oxford University Press, Oxford 2022., pp. 230-234. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
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Media (and) Revolution: Western Broadcasting in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989
In: Simon J. Potter; David Clayton; Friederike Kind-Kovacs; Vincent Kuitenbrouwer; Nelson Ribeiro; Rebecca Scales; Andrea Stanton (Ed.): The Wireless World: Global Histories of International Radio Broadcasting.
Oxford University Pressrd, Oxford 2022., pp. 98-103. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
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Unlicensed and Unbound: Researching Textual Traffic (Samizdat/Tamizdat) And Information Flow Across Borders (zus. Mit Nicole Burgoyne, Jessie Labov, Veronika Tuckerová, Piotr Wcislik)
In: Apor, Balzs; Apor, Peter; Horváth, Sándor (Ed.): The Handbook of COURAGE: Cultural Opposition and Its Heritage in Eastern Europe.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2018, Budapest 2019., pp. 415-444. (Kind-Kovacs, Friederike)
Cultural Opposition as Transnational Practice (zus mit Jacqueline Nießer, Thomas Skowronek, Ulf Brunnbauer)
In: Apor, Balázs; Apor, Péter; Horváth, Sándor (Ed.): The Handbook of COURAGE: Cultural Opposition and Its Heritage in Eastern Europe.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 2018., pp. 551-572. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
Unlicensed and Unbound: Researching Textual Traffic (Samizdat/Tamizdat) and Information Flow Across Borders (zus. mit Nicole Burgoyne, Jessie Labov, Veronika Tuckerová, Piotr Wcislik)
In: Apor, Balázs; Apor, Péter; Horváth, Sándor (Ed.): The Handbook of Courage: Cultural Opposition and Its Heritage in Eastern Europe.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest 2018., pp. 415-444. (Kind-Kovács, Friderike)
Introduction: From the Midwife’s Bag to the Patient’s File: Public Health in Eastern Europe
In: Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Bernasconi, Sara; Karge, Heike (Ed.): From the Midwife’s Bag to the Patient’s File: Public Health in Eastern Europe.
Central European University Press, New York und Budapest 2017., pp. 7-30. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
Transatlantic Humanitarianism: Jewish Child Relief in post-WWI Budapest
In: Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Bernasconi, Sara; Karge, Heike (Ed.): From the Midwife’s Bag to the Patient’s File: Public Health in Eastern Europe.
Central European University Press, New York und Budapest 2017., pp. 145-172. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
Compassion for the Distant Other: Children’s Hunger and Humanitarian Relief in Budapest in the Aftermath of WWI
In: Althammer, Beate; Raphael, Lutz; Stazic-Wendt, Tamara (Ed.): Rescuing the Vulnerable: Poverty, Welfare and Social Ties in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Europe.
Berghahn Books, New York 2016., pp. 129-159. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
Voices, letters, and literature through the Iron Curtain: exiles and the (trans)mission of radio in the Cold War
In: Risso, Linda (Ed.): Radio Wars: Broadcasting During the Cold War.
Routledge, London und New York 2015., pp. 49-76. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
Forbidden Fruit: Smuggling and Publishing Across Borders in Ancien Régime France and Cold War Eastern Europe
In: Behrends, Jan C.; Lindenberger, Thomas (Ed.): Publishing and the Public Sphere. Transnational Perspectives.
Lit Verlag, Berlin 2014., pp. 257-289. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Labov, Jessie)
Samizdat-Tamizdat: an entangled phenomenon?
In: Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Labov, Jessie (Ed.): Samizdat, Tamizdat and Beyond. Transnational media during and after socialism.
Berghahn Books, New York 2013., pp. 1-23. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Labov, Jessie)
Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty as the ‘echo chamber’ of tamizdat
In: Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Labov, Jessie (Ed.): Samizdat, Tamizdat and Beyond. Transnational media during and after socialism.
Berghahn Books, New York 2013., pp. 70-91. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
(Re)Joining the Community of Letters? The circulation of uncensored literature in/of Cold War Europe
In: Cieszynska, Beata; Franco, Eduardo; Pinheiro, Teresa (Ed.): Ideas of/for Europe. An Interdisciplinary Approach to European Identity.
Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. 2012., pp. 177-195. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
Historische Ambivalenzen von ,Transfer‘- und Grenzgeschichte(n): Bevölkerungsverschiebung und Literaturschmuggel im bayerisch-böhmischen Grenzraum
In: Meinke, Markus (Ed.): Die tschechisch-bayerische Grenze im Kalten Krieg in vergleichender Perspektive. Politische, ökonomische und soziokulturelle Dimensionen. Regensburg 2011., pp. 93-108. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
Life stories reconnected: Publishing Tamizdat as a symbolic act of recreating biographical coherence?
In: Autio-Sarasmo, Sari; Humphreys, Brendan (Ed.): Winter Kept us Warm: Cold War Interactions Reconsidered.
Kikimora Publications, Helsinki 2010., pp. 170-191. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
An ‘Other Europe’ through Literature: Recreating a European literary ,Kontinent‘ after Helsinki
In: Faraldo, Jose; Gulinska-Jurgiel, Paulina; Domnitz, Christian (Ed.): Europe in the Eastern Bloc. Imaginations and Discourses.
Böhlau, Köln 2008., pp. 267-299. (Kind-Kovács, Friederike)
Rezension zu: Kindheit als Privileg: Bildungsideale und Erziehungspraktiken in Russland (1750–1920) by Katharina Kucher. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2022. 480 pp. €49.00. ISBN 978‐3‐5935‐1433‐8
Friederike Kind-Kovács
In: The Russian Review (2024) In: Wiley
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"Images, Experiments and Policies: Childhood and Families in 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe". Rezension zu: Rüthers, Monica: Unter dem Roten Stern geboren. Sowjetische Kinder im Bild. Köln 2020 , ISBN 978-3-412-51453-2 / Kunt, Gergely: The Children’s Republic of Gaudiopolis. The History and Memory of a Children’s Home for Holocaust and War Orphans (1945–1950). Budapest 2022 , ISBN 978-963-386-443-2 / Inglot, Tomasz; Szikra, Dorottya; Raț, Cristina: Mothers, Families or Children?. Family Policy in Poland, Hungary, and Romania, 1945–2020. Pittsburgh 2022 , ISBN 9780822947035
Friederike Kind-Kovács
In: Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists (2024) In: www.hsozkult.de
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Rezension von Flaschenkinder. Säuglingsernährung und Familienbeziehungen in Deutschland und Schweden im 20. Jahrhundert von Verena Limper. Vienna and Cologne: Böhlau, 2021.
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Central European History, 56 (2023) 2, pp. 316-318.
Nikolaos Papadogiannis, Militant around the Clock? Left-Wing Youth Politics, Leisure, and Sexuality in Post-Dictatorship Greece, 1974–1981
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Slavic Review, 76 (2017) 2, pp. 534-535.
Ann Komaromi, Uncensored: Samizdat Novels and The Quest for Autonomy in Soviet Dissidence
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Russian Review, 75 (2016) , p. 511 f.
A. Ross Johnson/R. Eugene Parta (Hg.), „Cold War Broadcasting“. Impact on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. A Collection of Studies and Document; A. Ross Johnson, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. The CIA Years and Beyond; Richard H. Cummings, Radio Free Europe's „Crusade for Freedom“. Rallying Americans Behind Cold War Broadcasting, 1950–1960; Alexander Badenoch/Andreas Fickers/Christian Henrich-Franke (Hg.), Airy Curtains in the European Ether. Broadcasting and the Cold War
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: H-Soz-u-Kult (2013) In: www.hsozkult.de
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Daniel Laqua, Internationalism Reconfigured: Transnational Ideas and Movements between the World Wars
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 52 (2012) In: www.fes.de
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Rüdiger Dannemann, Lukács und 1968. Eine Spurensuche
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Ungarn-Jahrbuch. Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Hungarologie, 30 (2010) , pp. 291-294.
Julia Obertreis/Anke Stefan, Erinnerungen nach der Wende: Oral History und (Post)Sozialistische Gesellschaften
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Südost-Forschungen, 68 (2009) , pp. 714-718.
Catherine Andreyev/Ivan Savický, Russia Abroad. Prague and the Russian Diaspora, 1918–1938
Kind-Kovács, Friederike
In: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 46 (2006)
further publishments
Gründungstreffen des Arbeitskreises Kindheitsgeschichte: Rückblick und Ausblick
Denken Ohne Geländer, 2024 to the internet article
Interview über "Budapest's Children: Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War" für die SHCY
Society for the History of Children and Youth, 2023 to the internet article
Interview über "Budapest's Children: Humanitarianism in the Aftermath of the Great War"
The Chilhood, Law and Policy Network (CLPN), 2023 to the internet article
"Die Kinder von Budapest nach dem ersten Weltkrieg"
Kindergeschichten-Podcast, 2022 to the internet article
Budapest's Children: Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War
The Slavic Connexion, 2022 to the internet article
Reflections on Children’s Agency (in Migration)
Denken ohne Geländer. Blog des HAIT., 2021 to the internet article
Who Cares? Für-Sorge in Krisen- und Transformationszeiten
„Denken ohne Geländer“: Der Blog des Hannah-Arendt-Instituts für Totalitarismusforschung, 2020 to the internet article
Wissenschaft und Familie in Coronazeiten: Ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit?
„Denken ohne Geländer“: Der Blog des Hannah-Arendt-Instituts für Totalitarismusforschung, 2020 to the internet article
1919-2019: The Legacy of Transatlantic and Transnational Aid to Central Europe
Internet: Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies, 2019 to the internet article
Budapest’s Eastern Train Station: From the Past to Today’s (Child) Refugee Crisis
Homepage der Reluctant Internationalists, 2015 to the internet article
Teaching events at the Hannah Arendt Institute
winter semester
Verlorene Transformation? Antworten aus der jüngsten Geschichte auf Fragen der Gegenwart
exercise, Tillichbau, HAIT, R. 110
winter semester
Vom Archiv ins Museum: Alltag und 'Wende' bei Pentacon
seminar, TU Dresden
summer semester
Praxis- und Schreibübung für Abschlussarbeiten: Kindheit in der Transformation
exercise, Technische Universität Dresden
winter semester
„Kindheit in der Wende: Oral History in der Praxis“
Advanced seminar, Tillich-Bau, R 110, Hannah-Arendt-Institut
winter semester
Growing up in 20th Century Europe: Histories of Childhood
lecture, TU Dresden, Online via Zoom
winter semester
Kindheit und Alltag in der DDR
Advanced seminar, TU Dresden, Online via Zoom
Supervision of doctoral theses
Maren Francke, "Ein liberales Projekt? Die ungarischen 'Fachkollegien' seit dem Spätsozialismus, Humboldt-Universität Berlin. (2020-2022)
Externe Begutachtung:
Lorraine McEvoy, PhD "Little Guests": Transnational "Humanitarian Hospitality", Trinity College Dublin 2024.
Georgie Georgiev, PhD "Noise Wars: A Comparative History of Gathering Information under Cold War Constraints," CEU Budapest 2023.