Dr. Agnes Anna Arndt
Academic Researcher
Transformation Research
phone: +49 (0351) 463 32802

Academic career
- Dr. phil. in Modern History, Freie Universität Berlin, summa cum laude (2012)
- M.A. in Modern and Contemporary History, Freie Universität Berlin, with distinction (2006)
- Studies in Modern History, Law and Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and University of Florence (1999-2005)
Stays abroad
- European Studies Centre, St Antony's College, University of Oxford, Doctoral Fellow (2007/08)
- German Historical Institutes London, Paris and Warsaw, Gerald D. Feldman Fellow (2007)
- German Historical Institute Warsaw, Doctoral Fellow (2006/07)
- Università degli Studi di Firenze, Graduate Fellow (2001/02)
Work experience
- Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies at Dresden University of Technology; Head of the Research Group "To their own good? Children's rights and democratic education in Europe" (since 2024)
- Max Planck Institute for Human Development; Senior Researcher at the Center for the History of Emotions, Prof. Dr. Ute Frevert (2014-2023)
- Freie Universität Berlin; Lecturer at the Department of History and Cultural Studies, Prof. Dr. Paul Nolte (since 2018)
- Maternity Leave (2013)
- Berlin School for Comparative European History (until 2009) and Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin; PhD Scholar, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kocka (2006-2012)
- Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Potsdam; Visiting Researcher at the Research Group "Change of the Political in the 20th Century", Prof. Dr. Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann (2011)
- Social Science Research Center Berlin; Visiting Researcher at the Research Group "Civil Society, Citizenship and Political Mobilisation in Europe", Prof. Dr. Dieter Gosewinkel and Prof. Dr. Dieter Rucht (2006-2010)
- Social Science Research Center Berlin; EU Project Coordinator at the Research Group "Civil Society: Historical and Social Science Perspectives", Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kocka (2003-2005)
Linguistic proficiency
- English
- Italian
- French
- Czech
- Polish
Research and teaching focus
- Modern European History in Global Perspective
- History of Human and Children’s Rights, Legal History of Childhood
- History of Capitalism, Social and Cultural History of Economics
- History of State Socialism, Post-Socialist Transformations
- Emotions in the Spheres of Law, Politics and Economics
- Theories and Methods of Transnational and Comparative Research
Research projects
Scholarships and Awards
- Prize of the Polish Academy of Sciences for Rote Bürger. Eine Milieu- und Beziehungsgeschichte linker Dissidenz in Polen, Göttingen 2013.
- Prize of the Foundation for German-Polish Collaboration for Intellektuelle in der Opposition. Diskurse zur Zivilgesellschaft in der Volksrepublik Polen, New York/ Frankfurt am Main 2007.
- Herbert Wehner Prize of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation for Intellektuelle in der Opposition. Diskurse zur Zivilgesellschaft in der Volksrepublik Polen, New York/ Frankfurt am Main 2007.
- Max Planck Society, Postdoc Fellowship (2014)
- Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam, Visiting Fellowship (2011)
- Fazit Foundation, Doctoral Fellowship (2010)
- German Academic Exchange Service, Doctoral Fellowship for a Research Stay at the European Studies Centre, St Antony's College, University of Oxford (2007/08)
- Max Weber Foundation, Gerald D. Feldman Fellowship for three Research Stays at the German Historical Institutes in Warsaw, Paris, London (2007)
- German Historical Institute Warsaw, Doctoral Fellowship (2006/07)
- Gerda Henkel Foundation, Doctoral Fellowship (2006-2009)
- Social Science Research Center Berlin, Visiting Fellowship (2006-2010)
- Social Science Research Center Berlin, Predoc Fellowship (2005)
- Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Fazit Foundation, Gerda Henkel Foundation, Marga and Kurt Möllgaard Foundation, Max Planck Society, Research Grants (2005-2022)
Expert activities
- Reviewer for the National Science Centre Poland (since 2018)
- Reviewer for the Publishers Berghahn Books and Bloomsbury Academic (since 2018)
- Reviewer for the Journals History of the Human Sciences, Contributions to the History of Concepts, Journal of Cold War Studies, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, East Central Europe, Austrian History Yearbook (since 2014)
Organizational activity
- Organization of the Workshop "Concepts and Challenges of a Transnational History of the Best Interests of the Child in Twentieth Century Europe", Dresden (2025)
- Organization of the Workshop "Potentials of the Digital Humanities for a Transnational History of Children's Rights since 1924 to the Present", Dresden (2025)
- Organization of the Panel Discussion "No Century of the Child? Child Welfare and its Endangerment in Contemporary German History", 18th German Child and Youth Welfare Conference, Leipzig (2025)
- Organization of the Panel Discussion "Is there a Need to Better Protect the Democratic and Constitutional State's Resilience?", Potsdam (2024)
- Organization of the Conference "Debating and Depicting Callousness in Europe and America", Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin (2018)
- Organization of the Panel Discussion "Politics and Emotions" with Martha C. Nussbaum, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin (2018)
- Organization of the Workshop "New Perspectives on the History of Emotions", Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin (2017)
- Organization of the Conference "Human Rights Movements in East-Central Europe", Center for Contemporary History Potsdam and German Historical Institute, Warsaw (2010)
- Co-Organization of the Final Workshop of the European Civil Society Network, Social Science Research Center, Berlin (2005)
- Co-Organisation of the Conference "Markets and Civil Society in Europe", Analistas Socio-Políticos Research Center, Madrid (2004)
- Co-Organisation of the Conference "The Future of the European Polity", Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster, London (2004)
Functions and memberships
- Member of the Childhood, Law, and Policy Network (since 2024)
- Member of the Institutions and Infant Care Research Network (since 2024)
- Member of the Interdisciplinary Families in Court Working Group (since 2024)
- Member of the Childhood Studies Network; Speaker of the Working Group Childhood and Care within the Network (since 2023)
- Member of the Knowledge and Economy Network (since 2022)
- Member of the Women in Economic History Working Group (since 2022)
- Member of the German Historical Association (since 2018)
- Elected Advisory Bord Member of the Women's Political Council of Brandenburg (since 2023)
- Elected Advisory Member of the Youth Welfare Committee, Potsdam (since 2024)
- Elected Deputy Ombudswoman of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development (2021-2024)
Feeling Political. Emotions and Institutions since 1789
Arndt, Agnes; Frevert, Ute (et. al.)
Palgrave Macmillen, London 2022.
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Rote Bürger. Eine Milieu- und Beziehungsgeschichte linker Dissidenz in Polen
Arndt, Agnes
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2013.
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Intellektuelle in der Opposition. Diskurse zur Zivilgesellschaft in der Volksrepublik Polen
Arndt, Agnes
Campus, Frankfurt am Main 2007.
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Capitalist Cold. Emotions and the Economy in Europe and the United States
Arndt, Agnes; Pahl, Kerstin Maria (Ed.)
Routledge: London 2025.
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Vergleichen, Verflechten, Verwirren? Europäische Geschichtsschreibung zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Arndt, Agnes; Häberlen, Joachim C.; Reinecke, Christiane (Ed.)
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: Göttingen 2011.
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Discourses on Civil Society in Poland
Arndt, Agnes; Gawin, Dariusz (Ed.)
Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung: Berlin 2008.
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Articles in journals
Emotionsmanagement. Genese, Geschichte, Gefahren
Arndt, Agnes
In: Projektmanagement Aktuell, 2020 (2020), 6, pp. 7-9.
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Der homo emoticus hat kein Geschlecht. Zur Geschichte der Gefühlswahrnehmung
Arndt, Agnes
In: FAMA. Feministisch-theologische Zeitschrift, 2019 (2019), 3, pp. 4-5.
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„Abwanderung und Widerspruch“. Zur Aktualität eines analytischen Konzepts des 20. für das 21. Jahrhundert
Arndt, Agnes
In: Administory. Journal for the History of Public Administration/ Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsgeschichte, 3 (2018), 1, pp. 247-254.
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Inspiracja czy irytacja? Społeczeństwo obywatelskie w Polsce i Europie
Arndt, Agnes
In: Kultura Liberalna, 38/2010 (2010), 87
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Premises and Paradoxes in the Development of the Civil Society Concept in Poland
Arndt, Agnes
In: Arndt, Agnes; Gawin, Dariusz (Ed.)Discourses on Civil Society in Poland, SP IV 2008-402 (2008), , pp. 1-29.
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Semantisches Missverständnis. Der Begriff „Zivilgesellschaft“ spielte in Polen keine zentrale Rolle
Arndt, Agnes
In: WZB Mitteilungen, 2007 (2007), 118, pp. 11-13.
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Articles in Anthologies
Introducing Capitalist Cold. Emotions and Economic Structures from the Nineteenth to the Twentieth Century
In: Arndt, Agnes; Pahl, Kerstin Maria (Ed.): Capitalist Cold. Emotions and the Economy in Europe and the United States.
Routledge, London 2025.. (Arndt, Agnes; Pahl, Kerstin Maria)
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Politik mit Performanz. Konturen und Konjunkturen von Bürgerlichkeit im staatssozialistischen Polen
In: Loose, Ingo; Rau, Christian; Schwartz, Michael (Ed.): Bürgerlichkeit in Diktaturen. Perspektiven auf die Kulturgeschichte europäischer Gesellschaften im 20. Jahrhundert.
Metropol, Berlin 2024., pp. 205-220. (Arndt, Agnes)
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Efficiëntie en emotie. Interpretatiepatronen en dynamiek van emotionele arbeid door vrouwen in familiebedrijven
In: Draiflessen Collection (Ed.): Echtgenote, erfgename, onderneemster. De veranderende functies en rollen van vrouwen in familiebedrijven.
Böhlau, Göttingen 2023., pp. 153-163. (Arndt, Agnes)
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Efficiency and Emotion. Interpretive Patterns and Dynamics around Women’s Emotional Labour in Family Businesses
In: Draiflessen Collection (Ed.): Wives, Heiresses, Businesswomen. Historical case studies of women’s changing roles in family businesses.
Böhlau, Göttingen 2023., p. 161-171. (Arndt, Agnes)
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Effizienz und Emotion. Deutungsmuster und Dynamiken weiblicher Gefühlsarbeit in Familienunternehmen
In: Draiflessen Collection (Ed.): Ehefrau, Erbin, Unternehmerin. Zum Wandel weiblicher Funktionen und Rollen in Familienunternehmen.
Böhlau, Göttingen 2023., pp. 157-167. (Arndt, Agnes)
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Zivilgesellschaft als Treiber der Kotransformation? Ein intellektuelles Konzept und seine politischen Implikationen
In: Böick, Markus; Goschler, Constantin; Jessen, Ralph (Ed.): Jahrbuch Deutsche Einheit 2022.
Ch. Links, Berlin 2022., pp. 37-51. (Arndt, Agnes)
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Feeling Political Through Law. The Emergence of an International Criminal Jurisdiction, 1899-2019
In: Arndt, Agnes; Frevert, Ute (et. al.) (Ed.): Feeling Political. Emotions and Institutions since 1789.
Palgrave Macmillen, London 2022., pp. 91-119. (Arndt, Agnes)
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Traders and Entrepreneurs. Encountering Trust in Business Relations
In: Gammerl; Benno/ Nielsen, Philipp; Pernau, Margrit (Ed.): Encounters with Emotions. Negotiating Cultural Differences since Early Modernity.
Berghahn, New York 2019., pp. 110-132. (Arndt, Agnes)
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Renaissance or Reconstruction? Intellectual transfer of civil society discourses between Eastern and Western Europe
In: Kind-Kovács, Friederike; Labov, Jessie (Ed.): From Samizdat to Tamizdat: Transnational Media During and After Socialism.
Berghahn, New York 2015., pp. 156-171. (Arndt, Agnes)
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Europäische Geschichtsschreibung zwischen Theorie und Praxis – Chancen, Risiken und Grenzen
In: Arndt, Agnes; Häberlen, Joachim C.; Reinecke, Christiane (Ed.): Vergleichen, Verflechten, Verwirren? Europäische Geschichtsschreibung zwischen Theorie und Praxis.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2011., pp. 11-30. (Arndt, Agnes; Häberlen, Joachim C.; Reinecke, Christiane)
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Der Bedeutungsverlust des Marxismus in transnationaler Perspektive. “Histoire Croisée” als Ansatz und Anspruch an eine Beziehungsgeschichte West- und Ostmitteleuropas
In: Arndt, Agnes; Häberlen, Joachim C.; Reinecke, Christiane (Ed.): Vergleichen, Verflechten, Verwirren? Europäische Geschichtsschreibung zwischen Theorie und Praxis.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2011., pp. 89-114. (Arndt, Agnes)
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Scaglia, Ilaria. The Emotions of Internationalism. Feeling International Cooperation in the Alps in the Interwar Period, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020
Arndt, Agnes
In: Austrian History Yearbook, 2024 (2024) 55, pp. 501-503.
further publishments
Emotionen sind ein machtvolles Instrument der Politikgestaltung
www.neueshandeln.de, 2023 to the internet article
In Search of the Migrant Child. Entangled Histories of Childhood across Borders
www.ghi-dc.org, 2023 to the internet article
Haben Gefühle eine Geschichte? Und wenn ja, welche?
www.wissenschaftsjahr.de, 2022 to the internet article
Jahrbuch Deutsche Einheit 2022. Podiumsdiskussion und Buchprämiere in der Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur
www.youtube.com, 2022 to the internet article