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Dr. Klára Pinerová

Affiliated Researcher


ORCID Profil

Photo Dr. Klára Pinerová


Academic career

  • 2013 Doctorate in Modern Economic and Social History at the Charles University in Prague
  • 2006 - 2013 Doctoral Studies in  Modern Economic and Social History at the Charles University in Prague
  • 2005 - 2012 Master's degree in History and Culture of the Islamic World, as well as History, at the Charles University in Prague
  • 2001 - 2006 Master's degree in Social History at the Charles University in Prague

Stays abroad

  • 2015 - 2016 Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, Institute of the Leibniz Association, Marburg
  • 2011 - 2012 Wirth Institute fellowship - University of Alberta (Edmonton), Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, Canada
  • 2010 Government scholarship, TÖMER Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey
  • 2008 Research scholarship, Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, Institute of the Leibniz Association, Marburg
  • 2008 multi-week research and archival stays in Berlin
  • 2005 - 2006 Erasmus scholarship, University of Vienna, Vienna

Work experience

  • Since 8/2022 Researcher at the Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
  • Since 1/2017 Researcher at the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague
  • 1/2015 - 3/2016 Researcher at the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association
  • 1/2014 - 4/2014 Member of the Technical University of Liberec
  • 2014 Member of the East and Central European Studies at Charles University in Prague, Philosophical Faculty
  • 2013 - 2014 Member of the CIEE Programme at Charles University Prague
  • 2012 - 2014 Researcher at the Ministry of Defence, Certification Department - Third Resistance, Prague
  • 2011 - 2012 Researcher at the Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
  • 2009 - 2011 Member of the Institute for Czech Language and Literature at Charles University Prague
  • 2009 Member of the Institute for Economic and Social History at Charles University Prague

Linguistic proficiency

  • English
  • Czech
  • Turkish

Research and teaching focus

  • History of East Central Europe
  • Modern Economic, Social and Cultural History
  • Prison systems of Czechoslovakia and the GDR
  • Intellectuals and the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
  • Anti-Communist resistance
  • (postsocialist) transformations
  • Oral History

Scholarships and Awards

  • 2022 International Award Egon Erwin Kisch for the book „Vězení jako zrcadlo společnosti“
  • 2017 - 2019 Funding by the Scholarship Academy of the Czech Republic (GA ČR) (Subject: Transformations of the prison system in Czech Lands in the years of 1965-1992. Individual and system adaptation)
  • 1/2015 - 3/2016 Leibniz – DAAD Scholarship at the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, Institute of the Leibniz Association, Marburg (Subject: Life in prison. Sociological analysis of prison subcultures in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s)
  • 2012 - 2013 Funding by the European Commission „Europe for Citizens“, Action 4 „Active European remembrance" (Subject: The victims of Stalinism in BG and FYROM - today victims of forgetfulness and ignorance)
  • 9/2011 - 8/2012 Wirth Institute Fellowship at the University of Alberta (Edmonton), Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, Edmonton, Canada
  • 7/2010 - 8/2010 Government scholarship at the TÖMER Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey
  • 2010 Internal scholarship at the Charles University Prague (Subject: A probe into reflecting the Faculty of Arts: Edition of previously unpublished documents)
  • 2009 - 2011 Academic scholarship of the Academy of Sciences (Subject: Communist Party of Czechoslovakia at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University Prague 1968-1989)
  • 2009 Funding by the government office of the Czech Republic (Subject: The political prisoner in Czechoslovakia - Life histories)
  • 2008 - 2009 Funding by the European Commission „Europe for Citizens“, Action 4 „Active European remembrance" (Subject: Political prisoners in Czechoslovakia: Oral History of the victims of Stalinism)
  • 2008 E. M. Remarque Award, awarded by the Czech-German Historian Commission
  • 9/2008 - 10/2008 Research Scholarship, Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, Institute of the Leibniz Association, Marburg
  • 2007 - 2009 Specific research project at Charles University Prague (Subject: Analysis of the action mechanisms of the Faculty Institution Communist Party of Czechoslovakia at the Faculty of Arts in the years of 1969-1989)
  • 9/2005 - 3/2006 Erasmus scholarship, University of Vienna
  • Organizational activity

    • 2024-2025 Co-organizer of the colloquium "Lost Transformation? Answers from recent history to questions of the present, Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarian Studies at the TU Dresden, Dresden, DE
    • 2024-2025 Co-organizer of the "Lecture series: Topographies of Transformation: Dresden-Prague Talks, Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarian Studies at the TU Dresden, Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Dresden, DE - Prague, CZ
    • 2024 Co-organizer of the workshops "Punish or Rehabilitate through the Work: institutions, discourses, imagination in Western, Central and Eastern Europe in the first half of the 20th century", Historical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Charles University in Prague, German Historical Institute Warsaw, Prague, CZ
    • 2024 Organizer of the conference "Victimhood – Acknowledgement – ​​Politics of Memory: Struggling over the Memory of Suffering", Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarian Studies at the TU Dresden (HAIT), German Historical Institute Warsaw (DHIW) – Prague Branch, Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (ÚSD), Dresden, DE
    • 2018 Organiser of the workshop "Methods for the research of punishment", Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes and Charles University Prague
    • 2016 Co-organiser of the conference „Jáchymov in the 20th Century - A place of remembrance in European History", Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Karlovy Vary Museum, New York University Prague, Collegium Carolinum, Jáchymov, CZ
    • 2009 Co-organiser of the conference „Life Stories of Victims of Stalinism", Političtí vězni.cz and ANO pro Evropu, Prague

    Functions and memberships

    • Member of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), US
    • Member of the association Společnost pro hospodářské a sociální dějiny (SHSD), CZ
    • Member of the Czech Oral History Association (COHA), CZ



    Prison as a Mirror of Society.The Unequal Battle between Politics, Science and Humanity, Czechoslovakia 1965–1992

    Klára Pinerová, Michal Louč, Kristýna Haluzíková Bušková
    CEEOL, Frankfurt am Main 2023.

    Vězení jako zrcadlo společnosti. Nerovný souboj vědy, politiky a humanity. 1965-1992 [Prison as the Mirror of the Society. The Unequal Battle between Science, Politics and Humanity. 1965-1992]

    Pinerová, Klára; Louč, Michael; Bušková, Kristýna
    Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, Prag 2021.

    Jáchymov. Jeviště bouřlivého století [Jáchymov. A stage of a stormy century]

    Pinerová, Klára
    Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, Prag 2018.

    Do konce života. Političtí vězni padesátých let. Trauma, adaptace, identita [Till the End of Life. Political Prisoners of the 1950s. Trauma, Adaptation, Identity].

    Pinerová, Klára
    Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, Prag 2017.

    Czechoslovak Political Prisoners. Life Stories of 5 Male and 5 Female Victims of Stalinism

    Pinerová, Klára; Bouška, Tomáš

    Náměstí Krasnoarmějců 2. Učitelé a studenti Filozofické fakulty UK v období normalizace [Square Krasnoarmějců 2. Teachers and Students of the Faculty of Arts During the Normalization]

    Pinerová, Klára; Volná, Katka; Jareš, Jakub; Spurný, Matěj; Bachtík, Jakub; Holečková, Marta Edith; Horký, Adam
    Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prag 2012.

    Prověřená fakulta. KSČ na Filozofické fakultě UK v letech 1969–1989 [Proven Faculty. Communist Party at the Faculty of Arts in the Years 1969–1989]

    Pinerová, Klára; Volná, Katka; Jareš, Jakub; Spurný, Matěj
    Ústav soudobých dějin, Prag 2009.

    Českoslovenští političtí vězni. Životní příběhy [Czechoslovak Political Prisoners. Life Stories]

    Pinerová, Klára; Bouška, Tomáš; Louč, Michal
    Česká asociace orální historie, Prag 2009.

    Articles in journals

    Socialist Wardens and Guards in Czechoslovakia and East Germany: The Replacement and Political Indoctrination of Prison Staff

    Pinerová, Klára
    In: East Central Europe, 21 (2024), 2-3, pp. 315-342.

    Nedokončená spravedlnost : Role Svazu protifašistických bojovníků v rehabilitačním procesu (1968–1970)

    Klára Pinerová
    In: Czech Journal of Contemporary History, 31 (2024), 1, pp. 63-88. more details

    Narratives of Czechoslovak Prison Staff from the Communist Era

    Pinerová, Klára; Louč, Michal; Bušková, Kristýna
    In: Slovenský národopis, 69 (2021), 2, pp. 219-265.

    1989: Czech Prison System at the Crossroads

    Pinerová, Klára; Louč, Michael
    In: Securitas Imperii, 36 (2020), 1, pp. 24-169.

    Šedesátá léta ve vězeňství. Sebereflexe, profesionalizace a expertizace. [Sixties in prison. Self-reflection, professionalization and expertise]

    Pinerová, Klára
    In: Sborník Archivu bezpečnostních složek (2019), 17, pp. 189-215.

    Zwischen sozialistischer Erziehung und wirtschaftlichem Nutzen. Gefangenenarbeit in der Tschechoslowakei und in der SBZ/DDR nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

    Pinerová, Klára
    In: Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 67 (2018), 1, pp. 93-112.

    Cizincem v normalizačním vězení. Rozhovor s Danielem Langhansem, odsouzeným roku 1984 k desetiměsíčnímu trestu za pašování kopírovacího stroje do Československa

    Pinerová, Klára; Louč, Michael; Bušková, Kristýna
    In: Securitas Imperii, 33 (2018), 2, pp. 212-229.

    Cizinci v nápravně výchovných ústavech v letech 1968-1989 [Foreigners in correctional educational institutions in the years 1968-1989]

    Pinerová, Klára
    In: Securitas Imperii, 33 (2018), 2, pp. 174-211.

    Profesionalizace a modernizace vězeňství v období tzv. normalizace a její úskalí uplatňování v praxi [Professionalization and modernization of prison in the period of so-called normalization and its difficulties in practice]

    Pinerová, Klára
    In: Securitas Imperii, 33 (2018), 2, pp. 10-29.

    Prison and society connected. The development of the Czechoslovak prison system in 1945–92

    Pinerová, Klára
    In: Acta Poloniae Historica (2018), 118, pp. 151-181.

    Techniky brainwashingu využívané pracovníky Státní bezpečnosti a jejich následky [Brainwashing techniques used by the officers of the State Security and their consequences]

    Pinerová, Klára
    In: Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae - Historia, 70 (2017), 3-4, pp. 5-12.

    Articles in Anthologies

    Vězeňská zkušenost Jiřího Hejdy [Prison experience of Jiří Hejda]

    In: Hejda, Jiří (Ed.): Útěk: úplné, necenzurované vydání s doprovodnými studiemi [Escape: The Complete, Uncensored Edition with Companion Studies].
    Pulchra, Prag 2020., pp. 383-404. (Pinerová, Klára)

    Socjalistyczny Zwiazek Młodzieżi na Wydziale Filozoficznym Uniwersytetu Karola vw Pradze w latách 1970-1975 [Socialist Youth Union at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University in Prague in 1970-1975]

    In: Dworazek, Kamil; Łagojda, Krysztof (Ed.): Środowisko studenskie w krajach bloku sowieckiego 1945-1990 [Student millieu in the countries of the Soviet bloc 1945-1990].
    IPN, Wroclaw 2020., pp. 495-508. (Pinerová, Klára)

    Tendence ve vězeňství v období tzv. normalizace a skutečnost. [Tendencies in the prison system in the period of so-called normalization and reality]

    In: Petr, M. (Ed.): Podmínky politických vězňů v období pozdního socialismu. Seminář k 30. výročí tragického úmrtí Pavla Wonky [Conditions of political prisoners during the late socialism. 30th anniversary of tragic death of Pavel Wonka]. Hradec Králové 2018., pp. 16-22. (Pinerová, Klára)

    Vězeňství v českých zemích v letech 1965-1992 [Prison system in the Czech Lands in 1965-1992]

    In: Štěrba, F. (Ed.): Kriminologické dny 2018. Sborník z VI. Ročníku mezinárodní konference Kriminologické dny pořádané ve dnech 18.-19. 1. 2018 Českou kriminologickou společností ve spolupráci s Právnickou fakultou Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci [Criminological Days 2018. Proceedings of the international konference VI. Criminological Days held on 18-17.1.2018 by the Czech Criminology Society in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the Palacky University in Olomouc]. Olomouc 2018., pp. 302-319. (Pinerová, Klára; Louč, Michael; Bušková, Kristýna)

    Těžba uranové rudy v Československu a východním Německu: strategie získávání pracovních sil [Uranium ore extraction in Czechoslovakia and Eastern Germany: labor force strategy]

    In: Pinerová, Klára (Ed.): Jáchymov. Jeviště bouřlivého století [Jáchymov. A stage of a stormy century].
    Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, Prag 2018., pp. 124-141. (Pinerová, Klára)

    Jáchymov ve 20. století: možnosti a meze dosavadního výzkumu a jeho další směřování [Jáchymov in the 20th Century: Possibilities and Limits of the Current Research and its Further Development]

    In: Pinerová, Klára (Ed.): Jáchymov. Jeviště bouřlivého století [Jáchymov. A stage of a stormy century].
    Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů, Prag 2018., pp. 11-30. (Pinerová, Klára)

    Stigmatizace politických vězňů po jejich propuštění v letech 1960–1989 [Stigmatization of political prisoners following their release in the years 1960–1989]

    In: Hrdlička, M. (Ed.): Přednášky z 58. běhu Letní školy slovanských studií [Lectures of the 58th running of the Summer School of Slavonic Studies].
    Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Prag 2015., pp. 217-231. (Pinerová, Klára)

    The Rehabilitation Process in Czechoslovakia: Party and Popular Responses

    In: McDermott, K.; Stibbe, M. (Ed.): De-Stalinising Eastern Europe. The rehabilitation of Stalin's victims after 1953.
    Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2015., pp. 109-131. (Pinerová, Klára; McDermott, Kevin)

    Vergleich der Strafvollzugsysteme in der Tschechoslowakei und der DDR in den 1950er Jahren.

    In: Řezník, M.; Rosenbaum, K. (Ed.): Die ČSS und die im historischen Vergleich. Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zweier staatssozialistischer Systeme in Mitteleuropa.
    Kirchof und Franke, Leipzig/Berlin 2013., pp. 93-109. (Pinerová, Klára)

    Studentský život podle pravidel. [Student life according to the rules]

    In: Jareš, J.; Spurný, M.; Volná, K.; et al. (Ed.): Náměstí Krasnoarmějců 2. Učitelé a studenti Filozofické fakulty UK v období normalizace [Square Krasnoarmějců 2. Teachers and Students of the Faculty of Arts During the Normalization].
    Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Prag 2012., pp. 323-350. (Pinerová, Klára; Holečková, Marta Edith)

    Everyday´s life of Prisoners and Preserving Their Moral Integrity in the Czechoslovak and East German´s Prisons after Second World War

    In: Wakounig, M. (Ed.): From collective memories to intercultural exchanges.
    LIT, Berlin 2012., pp. 209-225. (Pinerová, Klára)

    Političtí vězni a vězeňkyně v Československu v letech 1948–1963 [Political Prisoners and Female Prisoners in Czechoslovakia in the Years 1948–1963]

    In: Vaněk, M.; Houda, P.; Mücke, P. (Ed.): Deset let na cestě. Orální historie na Sovinci (2002–2011) [Ten Years on the Road. Oral History at the Sovinec].
    Ústav soudobých dějin, Prag 2012., pp. 165-177. (Pinerová, Klára)

    Press Articles

    Jak odčinit křivdy minulosti: Finanční odškodnění namísto smíření

    www.advojka.cz more details

    further publishments

    Cesta za uznáním a odškodněním Rehabilitace obětí komunistické diktatury v Německu a Česku

    dejinyasoucasnost.cz, 2024 to the internet article

    Rehabilitation und Entschädigung von Opfern der kommunistischen Diktatur in Tschechien und Deutschland

    h-und-g.info, 2024 to the internet article


    Vliv organizací politických vězňů v ČR a v Německu na politiku paměti

    04 December 2024 • Prag
    Political science seminar of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University

    Boj o morální uznání: Organizace politických vězňů v ČR a v Německu po roce 1989

    25 September 2024 • Prag
    Seminar of the Institute of the Contemporary Historyzur Beschreibung

    Competitive Victimhood in Czechia and Germany: The Struggle for the Acknowledgment

    04 September 2024 • Dresden
    Victimhood – Acknowledgement – Politics of Memory: Struggling over the Memory of Sufferingzur Beschreibung

    Political polarisation, liberal democracy, and organisations of political prisoners

    13 June 2024 • Rijeka
    Crisis, Junctures, and Breaking Points : Understanding, Contextualizing, and Overcoming Crisis as Discoursezur Beschreibung

    Penology Research Institute as a bearer of expert knowledge and change in Czechoslovak prison system (1967-1989)

    17 May 2024 • Prag
    Expertise in the human sciences during the 20th century in Europe and beyondzur Beschreibung

    Psychological Research in Czechoslovak prisons 1965-1980

    19 March 2024 • Erfurt
    7. Schreibwerkstatt Geschichte der Wissenschaften von der Psychezur Beschreibung

    Jugendstrafvollzug in der Tschechoslowakei

    28 February 2024 • Dresden
    Geschichte des Jugendstrafvollzugszur Beschreibung

    Social media links