Home > Institute > Steffi Unger

Steffi Unger

Affiliated Researcher/Doctoral Candidate


phone: +49 (0351) 275 99725

Photo  Steffi Unger


Academic career

  • Since 9/2017 Doctoral Candidate at the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Research
  • 3/2011–12/2016 Studies in History at TU Dresden (M.A.)
  • 8/2012–10/2013 Studies in Russian and Eurasian Studies at the European University at Saint Petersburg (M.A.)
  • 9/2006–10/2011 Studies in History, Art History and Humanities at TU Dresden (B.A.)

Stays abroad

  • 9/2012–7/2013 Studies abroad at the European University at Saint Petersburg (EUSP), Russia
  • 4/2011–7/2011 Semester abroad at the Kaliningrad State Technical University (KGTU), Klaus Mehnert Institute, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation

Work experience

  • Since 9/2017 Researcher at the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Research
  • 2/2017–8/2017 Researcher and Doctoral Candidate at the Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam
  • 10/2016–12/2016 Project Staff at Treibhaus e.V. Döbeln for investigating Nazi foreign and forced labour in Central Saxony
  • 9/2015–12/2015 Researcher at the BGH Edelstahlwerke GmbH during the reappraisal of the company's history during National Socialism
  • 1/2015–8/2015 Project Assistant at Milata KG International Executive Search Berlin
  • 9/2010–3/2011 Student Assistant in the project Convergence and Divergence of German-German History (Prof. Heydemann) at Hannah Arendt Institute
  • 4/2010–12/2015 Consultant and Project Staff  at the memorial site of the former special detention centre (Sonderhaftanstalt) Bautzen II
  • 2009–2015 Consultant and Project Staff  at the memorial site of the former detention centre (Untersuchungshaftanstalt) Bautzner Straße Dresden

Linguistic proficiency

  • English
  • Russian
  • Spanish

Research and teaching focus

  • Cultures of Remembrance
  • Transformation research
  • National Socialism
  • GDR
  • History of Russia

Research projects

Overall project: Ehrenamtliche Arbeit in lokalen Gemeinden zwischen Staatssozialismus und liberalem Kapitalismus. Die Geschichte der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr in Deutschland und Ostmitteleuropa 1980-2000 (Volunteer work in local communities between state Socialism and liberal capitalism. The history of the volunteer fire brigade in Germany and Central Eastern Europe 1980-2000) (DFG / FWF: D-A-CH Programm) Teilprojekt DDR – Kreis Meißen (Sub-project GDR - Region Meißen)

Scholarships and Awards

  • 2/2016-5/2016 Scholarship of the BGH Edelstahlwerke Freital (for writing a master's thesis on the topic of Nazi foreign and forced labour in the Saxon Gußstahlwerke Döhlen)
  • 8/2016–8/2015 GoEast scholarship of DAAD (Smolensk, RF)
  • 7/2015–8/2015 GoEast scholarship of DAAD (Chelyabinsk, RF)
  • 9/2012–7/2013 Yearly scholarship of DAAD (Saint Petersburg, RF)

Organizational activity

  • Organisation of a youth exchange between Kaliningrad and Dresden "Grenzen überwinden" (Overcoming borders) (2014) on behalf of the Political Youth Association  (PJR) Dresden





Myth of a Nation: Identity Building in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan

22 September 2015 • Tbilisi und Telavi, Georgien
Deutsch–Georgische Sommerschule zum Thema „Stalins Era Mass Graves“ – Stiftung Aufarbeitung und DVV-International

Gelenktes kulturelles Gedächtnis? Über den Umgang mit Erinnerung und Geschichtsschreibung im post-kommunistischen Russland

25 June 2013 • Perm, Russische Föderation
Russisch-Deutsche Sommerschule der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Russland zum Thema „Staat, Gesellschaft, Individuum: Lehren der Vergangenheit, Konstruktion der Zukunft“