HAIT in the media
䷈ Digitale Karte soll Forschungen zur NS-Herrschaft in Dresden dokumentieren
The IDOHIST project is presented by MDR.
📹 Verfassungsschutz warnt: Gefahr durch Extremisten wächst
Steffen Kailitz interviewed by Deutsche Welle on a categorisation of the 2023 constitutional protection report.
䷈ Political scientist Steffen Kailitz explains the risks and rewards of Vladimir Putin´s growing reliance on economic technocrats
Steffen Kailitz spoke to "Meduza" about Putin's growing trust in economic technocrats - and the associated opportunities and risks
䷈ Wem junge Wähler in Europa ihre Stimme gegeben haben - und warum
Steffen Kailitz on the influence of social media on the voting behaviour of 16 to 24-year-old voters.
䷉ AfD-Politiker attackiert Rechte Agenda als Auslöser für Gewalt
Maximilian Kreter gave an interview to t-online on violence against politicians in the current election campaign.
䷉ La misión imposible de contrarrestar a la AfD defendiendo la agenda verde en Brandemburgo
El Diario reports on the situation of extreme right-wing parties in Europe. Maximilian Kreter analyses the situation ahead of the European, local and regional elections in the east of Germany.