HAIT in the media
🎙Sommerreihe 2024 "Sommer, Sonne, Wahlen" 1/3 - Sachsen
In the 'Politikgeflüster' podcast, Maximilian Kreter discussed the forthcoming elections in Saxony.
䷈ "Wie Walter Ulbricht sich zum obersten Herrscher der DDR aufschwang"
In a detailed review published in the Sächsische Zeitung, Mike Schmeitzner offers a comprehensive analysis of the second volume of the Walter Ulbricht biography by Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk.
📹 „Wieder wie in der DDR!“ Woher kommt dieses Gefühl? 👁️🗨️ | Faktencheck mit Dr. Andreas Kötzing
There is a perception that the current political situation is comparable to the dictatorship in the GDR. This raises the question of why so many people hold this view. In the video, Dr Andreas Kötzing addresses this question, as well as the potential causes and background.
䷈ Bundestagsvize Kubicki zu Compact-Verbot: „Sollte der Beschluss aufgehoben werden, ist ein Rücktritt der Innenministerin unvermeidlich“
In this article, Steffen Kailitz offers an assessment of the ban on Compact magazine by the Federal Ministry of the Interior..
📹 Rechtes Magazin „Compact“ verboten
In an assessment of the Compact ban, Steffen Kailitz categorises the move in the fight against right-wing extremism.
䷈ "Compact"-Verbot: Experte sieht steigenden Druck gegen rechts.
Excerpts from Steffen Kailitz's interview with the edp about the Compact ban were published by the Evangelische Zeitung.
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