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HAIT in the media 2022 Auflistung Seite 1

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Maximilian Kreter bei "ABC News" (Australien) zur extremen Rechten in Deutschland im Kontext der Anti-Terror-Ermittlungen gegen eine Gruppe von "Reichsbürgern".

German police arrest suspected members of far-right extremist...

07 December 2022 ABC News
Maximilian Kreter on MDR AKTUELL on the future of large-scale right-wing rock events and the business models of the extreme right-wing movement.

Weniger Rechtsrock-Konzerte in Thüringen: Innenminister Maier spricht von Trendwende

23 November 2022 MDR AKTUELL
In the podcast "The Slavic Connexion" at Texas University (Austin), Friederike Kind-Kovács talks about her research on the history of Hungarian children after the First World War.

Budapest's Children

23 November 2022 Slavic Connexion
Matthäus Wehowski on a provocation by Hungarian head of state Viktor Orban and the use of football for nationalist propaganda.

Ungarns Staatschef Orban provoziert: Schal mit Uralt-Ländergrenzen von 1920

21 November 2022 RTL News
The "Freie Presse" reports on a ceremony in honor of Georg Gradnauer (1866-1946), the first prime minister of Saxony, whose biography Mike Schmeitzner has researched.

Wer war der Begründer des Freistaats Sachsen?

18 November 2022 Freie Presse
The "Freie Presse" reports on Mike Schmeitzner's study of Erwin Hartsch and a planned tribute to the former SPD education politician in his native town of Jugelsburg.

Jugelsburger wollen ihren größten Sohn nun doppelt ehren

09 November 2022 Freie Presse
In cities such as Leipzig, Magdeburg and Weimar, people have been demonstrating on Mondays in so-called "Energieproteste" ("energy protests") since the beginning of September, and Pegida is also back on the streets after a month-long break. A classification by Maximilian Kreter.

Das Comeback der Montagsdemos

04 November 2022 EgoFM
Maximilian Kreter in the program "Zündfunk" on the topic of the influx of right-wing extremists from West to East Germany.

Warum Flöha in Sachsen zum Querdenker-Hotspot geworden ist

20 October 2022 Bayern 2
The "Freie Presse" with a report on the conference "Transformationen der Polizei. Hundert Jahre Landeskriminalamt Sachsen".

Wie ein Chemnitzer Polizist den Nationalsozialisten diente

10 October 2022 Freie Presse
As a cooperation partner of the "Vernetzungsstelle Speak Up!", the HAIT will be reported on in the context of the upcoming conference "Fake News und Hate Speech als gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen" in Eupen, East Belgium.

Herausforderung für unsere Gesellschaft

07 October 2022 GrenzEcho
Maximilian Kreter spoke to the "Freie Presse" about the relationship between the AfD and "Free Saxons" in view of the upcoming demonstrations.

AfD und Freie Sachsen bald ganz dicke Freunde?

29 September 2022 Freie Presse
In the second episode of the "Bavarian Broadcasting" (Bayerischer Rundfunk) podcast series "Seelenfänger: Der Anastasia-Kult", Matthäus Wehowski talks about the transformation in the Soviet Union and the emergence of the völkisch movement in Russia.

Taiga Queen - Seelenfänger: Der Anastasia-Kult

27 September 2022 Bayerischer Rundfunk
In a guest article for the Sächsische Zeitung, Andreas Kötzing explores the question of whether text panels are a suitable means of pointing out discriminatory depictions in older films.

Vorsicht, Indianer!

27 September 2022 Sächsische Zeitung
DLF Kultur spoke with Andreas Kötzing about the remake of "All Quiet on the Western Front".

Kriegsinszenierungen in Zeiten des Krieges

24 September 2022 Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Thomas Lindenberger und Mike Schmeitzner im Bericht des "Deutschlandfunk" zur Tagung "Transformationen der Polizei. Hundert Jahre Landeskriminalamt Sachsen".

Eine Behörde mit Licht- und Schattenseiten

22 September 2022 Deutschlandfunk
SWR talked to Andreas Kötzing about the "Heimat: Europa" festival in Simmern (Hunsrück), which this year has a focus on the representation of the GDR in its program.

Die DDR im Film

01 September 2022 SWR
Matthäus Wehowski in an interview with "ntv" on the death of Mikhail Gorbachev.

"Ich tippe auf eine kleine Beerdigung"

31 August 2022 ntv
Mike Schmeitzner spoke with MDR.de about the Sachsenburg concentration camp and research into its history.

Das vergessene KZ Sachsenburg bei Chemnitz

27 July 2022 MDR
Mike Schmeitzner's biography on the Saxon teacher, SPD politician and later Minister of National Education Erwin Hartsch (1890-1948) is presented in the "Freie Presse".

Aus Jugelsburg in den Ministersessel

20 July 2022 Freie Presse
In its current issue (2/2022), "Veto" magazine reports on coming to terms with the Nazi era and the changing culture of remembrance in social media, and spoke with Andreas Kötzing, among others.

VETO - Magazin

16 July 2022 VETO - Magazin
Is Russia waging war in Ukraine not only militarily, but also "culturally"? Matthäus Wehowski sees attacks on cultural identity in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

Ost-Ukraine: "Politisches Bewusstsein wird angegriffen"

24 June 2022 WDR 5
Matthäus Wehowski on literature and culture as battlefields in the Ukraine war.

Die russische Sprache wird erneut zur Waffe im Krieg

21 June 2022 Die Presse
Jochen Tiepmar on the pandemic as the "engine of digitization" and its opportunities and limitations.

IT-Forscher: Digitalisierung hat auch ihre Grenzen

09 June 2022 MDR
Matthäus Wehowski on the role and character of Vladimir Putin.

Putin, der Tyrann?

29 May 2022 Die Presse am Sonntag
In the podcast "Synapsen" from NDR Info, Bettina Hitzer talks with Patric Seibel and Jan Plamper about the history of emotions and emotion research.

Die Sache mit dem Scheinriesen

13 May 2022 NDR Info
Matthäus Wehowski classifies the use of the term "fascism" in Russia, Ukraine and Poland against the background of the current war.

Russland Präsident will die Ukraine "ent-nazifizieren"

10 May 2022 MDR Aktuell
MDR Kultur spoke with Andreas Kötzing about cinematic stagings of the GDR past in cinema.

Dominieren westdeutsche Filme den Blick auf den Osten?

26 April 2022 MDR Kultur
In his new book, British historian Bill Niven examines the history of "Jud Süß". DLF-Kultur spoke with Andreas Kötzing about the book and the impact of the Nazi propaganda film.

Das Nachleben des NS-Films "Jud Süß"

23 April 2022 DLF Kultur
Matthäus Wehowski with a statement on Soviet war memorials and dealing with the culture of remembrance of the Red Army.

Ehrenmal ist auch für Ukrainer "heilig"

21 April 2022 ntv
In the new episode "Putins „Befreiungsoperation“ - nennen wir Krieg!" of the podcast of the Wilhelm-Külz-Stiftung, Matthäus Wehowski is the guest expert on the Ukraine war.

Putins „Befreiungsoperation“ - nennen wir Krieg!

17 March 2022 Liberale Gedanken - Podcast der Wilhelm-Külz-Stiftung
Matthäus Wehowski in an interview with the University Journal of the TU Dresden on historical aspects of the Ukraine war.

Wollte Deutschland die Entwicklungen in Russland nicht wahrhaben?

15 March 2022 University Journal of the TU Dresden
Matthäus Wehowski in an interview with MDR Sachsen on the war in Ukraine.

Osteuropaexperte Wehowski: "Die Schilderungen sind erschütternd"

28 February 2022 MDR Sachsen
The Dresden City Museum spoke with Mike Schmeitzner about the establishment of a museum on Jewish history in Saxony.

Jüdisches Museum in Sachsen?

17 February 2022 Blog of the Dresden City Museum
In an interview with the "Tagesspiegel" Bettina Hitzer talks about her research project on the history of adopted children since the post-war period.

„Man lebte hier lange mit der Illusion der elternlosen Kinder“

28 January 2022 Tagesspiegel
Mike Schmeitzner appears as an expert in the latest episode of the ZDF program "Terra X" - "A Day in Dresden 1946".

Ein Tag in Dresden 1946

11 January 2022 ZDF
Mike Schmeitzner as an expert in the documentary.

Was eine Trümmerfrau 1946 in Dresden erlebte

11 January 2022 Sächsische Zeitung
Steffen Kailitz with a statement on the possibilities, limits and effects of a ban on "Free Saxony" on MDR Aktuell.

MDR Aktuell

03 January 2022 MDR Aktuell