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Democratic Cohesion in Saxony (DeZiS)

Extremism Research / Research field
IFRiS / Research focus  (Project completed)
PD Dr. habil. Steffen Kailitz / Coordination


Participating in the project are, besides Steffen Kailitz (Project Manager) and Uwe Backes (HAIT), GertPickel, Oliver Decker (Leipzig University), Julia Schulze Wessel (TU Dresden/Leipzig University), Antje Röder (Marburg University), Heike Greschke (TU Dresden ) and Frank Asbrock (TU Chemnitz).

The project is dedicated to two closely intertwined subjects: on the one hand the integration processes of the Saxon and German immigration society and on the other right-wing extremist and xenophobic processes of disintegration threatening democratic cohesion.

Link to the IFRIS project page

Four subsidiary projects concern, respectively:
a) The publication of the Integration Manual, slated for 2019, by Springer VS: a fundamental guide containing around 70 essays by top national and international researchers.
b) Group discussions with fugitives in Saxony with a view to factors of integration and disintegration,
c) An analysis of right-wing extremism and right-wing populism in Saxony as an expression of social disintegration tendencies, including a focus on extremist violence
d) An interview study on the labour market integration of fugitives in Saxon companies