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The HAIT Regime Dataset. Digital Preparation, Quality Assurance and Expansion

Extremism Research / Research field
Comparative Autocracy Research / Research focus 
03.2022–12.2025 / Period
PD Dr. habil. Steffen Kailitz / Coordination


Online! Varieties of Political Regimes (Va-PoReg)


Am 26. März wurde die online-Präsenz des Datensatzes Varieties of Political Regimes (Va-PoReg) veröffentlicht. Damit hat das Projekt einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erfolgreich erreicht.<\p>

Zum Launch fand eine öffentliche Vorstellung verbunden mit einer Diskussion zum Thema Wird die Demokratie abgewählt? Datensatzpremiere und Diskussion zu „Varieties of Political Regimes in der SLUB Dresden statt. Das Gespräch zwischen Steffen Kailitz und dem Politikwissenschaftler Wolfgang Merkel wurde von Manès Weisskircher moderiert.


The project aims to increase the scope, quality, and most importantly - as part of digital processing - the national and international visibility of the HAIT Regime Dataset. It is one of the three classifications of political regimes and especially of autocracies which are currently most intensively discussed and used in national and international research, alongside those of Barbara Geddes, Joseph Wright and Erica Frantz (2014) and of Axel Hadenius, Jan Teorell and Michael Wahman (2013). The project's core is to contribute an important building block for HAIT's digitization strategy and thus to increase the national and international visibility of the HAIT Regime Dataset, as well as to underpin political and societal debates with a substantiated data basis. By means of the project, profound social challenges in the subject area of global and European autocratisation and democratisation processes are to be pointed out and conveyed in more detail. Within the project's framework, HAIT's cooperation with other institutions in the field of comparative autocracy and regime research will be intensified and consolidated, thus strengthening HAIT's strategy of internationalisation. Furthermore, as part of the project and building upon the groundwork conducted with the HAIT Regime Dataset, a third-party funded project in the field of comparative autocracy research is to be developed.

This action is partly goverment-financed based on the budget passed by the Saxon State Parliament.